Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Wordless Wednesday: Tiger Lilies and Sweet Peas

My mother grew tiger lilies so these are favorites of mine and here are two from my garden. Below are sweet peas, another of my favorites from our garden.
I am linking to Wordless Wednesday


  1. I love sweet peas, but don't they need cool weather. t will be in the 100's this week where I live.

  2. I love both of these, not least because they both smell so beautiful.

  3. How beautiful! Sweet pees are such a pretty flower.

    Have a beautiful day~~

  4. My husband calls our youngest daughter, Sweetpea. My late mother-in-law loved flowers! She grew tiger lilies and an assortment of other summer jewels in her yard. I love flowers, but have a black thumb of death when it comes to gardening. Thanks for visiting today. It appears you didn't link up, but you're certainly welcome to add yours to the party, if you want. Have a fototastic week!

    Judaculla Rock Petroglyphs and Brown Eyed Girls

  5. I love your Lathyrus (sweet peas. The most beautiful flower of the world, yes!!!
    I was here via #wordl wedn.

  6. How pretty! I need to cut a few roses for my vase today. Sweet hugs, Diane

  7. Beautiful! I adore Tiger Lilies!

  8. When we were in Sugar Pine Camp several years ago, wild sweet peas were everywhere. The sweet smell was wonderful.

  9. Tiger lilies remind me of my childhood and I love them and the sweet peas are just that...sweet!

  10. We have tiger lilies, but no sweet peas. They are so pretty!

  11. sweet peas grow here?? I wonder? I love lilies, but they need to be deadheaded...which is the second most dreaded task here, so I avoid them, if possible.

    Worst task? Watering.

  12. I love sweet peas; I've never been able to grow them. I have managed to grow the peas that you eat, but they're not the same, they don't have the variety of colour available as the sweet peas.

  13. Hi, Terra,
    Thank you for posting these pretty flowers. I just noticed I have some tiger lily blooms coming forth once again. I had though their blooming was over but apparently not. I once grew sweet peas in my previous garden and loved them. They smelled so sweet! I am once again able to blog on my "Bunny Cottage" page. I hope you will come and visit me once again. Have a wonderful day, my friend.

  14. Wow! I have never seen the yellow ones. I did not even know they exist. They are so pretty. How many colors are there?

  15. What fabulous blooms ...

    All the best Jan

  16. Pretty lilies.. we have two big pots full of Stargazer lilies that are about to pop open. Can't wait. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
