Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Wordless Wednesday: Favorite Coffee Mugs

Eeyore, Keep Calm and Carry On, and Cats.
The coffee and tea mug I use most often is the Keep Calm and Carry On cup, which I bought on Amazon.
Do you have a favorite coffee / tea mugs?
I am linking to Wordless Wednesday


  1. Yes I do, as a matter of fact. What a great idea for a blog post. I'll have to keep it for future reference, though, as I already posted today.

    Have a great day!

  2. I don't use mugs very often but I do love my Keep Calm and Carry On mug!

  3. I like the lightweight ones, but always use the mugs.

  4. We just use plain white mugs. Boring I know. I do have others but I keep my knitting needles, crochet hooks and pens and pencils in them.

  5. I always use the biggest one that is clean!

  6. Love them!

    My favorite says NASA. I like to pretend I'm an astronaut drinking coffee. What can I say?

  7. I have lots of fave mugs. Loved your choices.

  8. Oh yes, I definitely have a favorite mug...two, actually :) The one was given to me from a blogging friend and it's very dainty with pink roses all over it. The other one my cousin made for me after my grandfather passed has a photo of him on it with the words "Hi Kiddo" on it since he always said that :)

    Enjoy the remainder of your week! Hugs!

  9. I do have a favourite cup. For me it's all about the shape and the heft. I like a moderately solid cup and like it to be narrower at the top than at the bottom. It keeps the coffee hot a little longer!

  10. I have many favourite mugs, the best is a $1 bargain from Target which I no longer use because it has a crack down alongside the handle and I'd hate to get a lapful of hot coffee if it gave way. But I can't bring myself to throw it away, it's so pretty.

  11. Hi Terra, I always use a Hartstone mug. I have way too many. I like a big coffee mug! Happy day, friend!

  12. I love all of these! Especially the cat one! Yes, I have a few favorites! And now you give me the idea to post them, just like you! I love seeing other people's mugs!

  13. Yes we've got our favourite mugs too. Larry's is a Wimbledon mug, Jim's is a black and white mug with '50 isn't old if you're a tree' on it and mine is a Christmas mug which I use all the time even when it's not Christmas.
    Yours are lovely. Thanks for showing us.

  14. My latest favourites are some Moomin mugs (by Finnish company Arabia), I got three from friends for my 60th birthday last year, and bought another three for myself.

  15. Eeyore was my youngest daughters favourite character in Winnie the Pooh. We had everything with the sad looking donkey on. I have lots of mugs bur I prefer thin China to clay mugs, tea tastes better!!! Hubby has ruined a few by putting them in the microwave when they have gilt on them.

  16. Love the cat mug ! Have a similar one in white !

  17. Hi Terra,
    Thank you so much for your visit.. So happy you enjoyed Bebe.. I am sure she will watch the Olympics. haaa
    Yes, I do have a favorite mug, it says guess how much I love you. I received it as a gift from my granddaughter, and is very special to me.
