Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Wordless Wednesday Ocean and Retirement

The bay near our house in February 2016.

I have always enjoyed large bodies of water, growing up across the street from Lake Michigan, and now marveling at the changing moods of the Pacific Ocean near our home. Being retired means I walk along the ocean several times a week; the ocean is ever new and the air is so clean.
Linking up with Wordless Wednesday


  1. Gorgeous photos, Terra!...Christine

  2. So beautiful. I wish I lived there. Something so primal.

  3. How lucky you are to be so close to the water. Hubby and I drive to the Pacific ocean a few times a year just to refresh ourselves. However it's an 8 Hour drive each direction, so we can't do it very often. Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures with us.
    Blessings, Betsy

  4. There is something about a body of water that calls to us to come walk along its shores.

  5. Terra, I didn't realize you were so close to the ocean that you could visit it several days a week. Jess lives near the ocean also, and I got a chance to see it in November. Sometimes I long to see it, as it brings me such peace. These are beautiful pictures.

    love, ~Sheri

  6. Wonderful pictures. I can almost hear the waves crashing on the rocks.

  7. How beautiful, I want to be by the sea Now!

  8. This is so beautiful - I imagine all year round there is something here to be seeing/doing.

  9. Your photos are stunning! I wouldn't mind staying for hours to savour and enjoy this view. I can already imagine the sound of the ocean's wave. How relaxing and refreshing. This reminds me, it has been more than a year since I last saw a beach.

  10. Love the waves. Beautiful to lay in bed and hear the sea.

  11. the beach is number one of our love list and walking in the beach air is number 2... those photos make me wish i could walk there. our gulf only have waves if there is a storm. we love the Atlantic because of the waves like this.. gorgeous photos

  12. Very beautiful beach photos! Have a wonderful weekend, Terra!

  13. Oh, that would be wonderful. Here in the middle of the country I enjoy lakes and rivers, but being near the ocean is especially refreshing.

  14. So beautiful! Where did you grow up near Lake Michigan? I grew up in St. Joseph Michigan, right on the shores of Lake Michigan, and my heart will always call that home.
