Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Wordless Wednesday Camellias at Church and Retirement Volunteer

I took these photos of camellias growing at our church on February 5, 2016.
I saw this camellia on Sunday and couldn't resist bringing my camera with me a few days later to take photos to share with you blog friends.
Linking with Wordless Wednesday

I am starting my new volunteer path, being a visitor to one or two ladies at a retirement home. One I met on Wednesday February 24 and one I will meet today, March 2. I am looking forward to this new venture, and any tips you have on visiting with retirees in assisted living are greatly appreciated by me. The activity director said the gal I will meet today might enjoy me reading short stories to her.
I have a great book of compiled poems, "Poems to Learn by Heart", edited by Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of JFK, that could work.
Any other ideas?


  1. What a wonderful ministry! I will pray for you as you meet with this lady today. I know she will love your company. The picture of the camellias is beautiful. I have started growing them in my yard these past couple of years. I love them so much. Have a blessed day my friend!

  2. oooooh they are so beautiful and what a great, vibrant color!!!!!!

  3. The flowers are absolutely beautiful. I have visited people in retirement homes for several years now. It's very hard, especially when they pass away but it is very filling also. A lot of them just like you to come and visit with them. They have no one to talk to and share their thoughts with on a regular basis and they appreciate that. One lady that I visited had knitted in her younger days. So although she had Alzheimer's, I took her knitting needles and yarn and together we knitted scarves for all of her grandchildren that year for Christmas. She passed away shortly afterwards and her family was so grateful to have those last gifts from her as imperfect as they were.. Good luck and enjoy your time.
    Blessings, Betsy

  4. Those are really pretty! I love camellias but am not sure they would grow down here in hot and humid s.e.FL.

    Bless your heart as you minister to these two ladies.



  5. So very, very pretty, Terra. Nice photos. Susan

  6. That is such an important thing to be doing. I run a friendship club (day centre) and so often my elderly guests haven't had any friendly contact apart from their days here. I have found that looking at old photographs is great. You get a feeling of how a person was when young and it's such fun laughing together about changes in fashion. Jane xx

  7. Lovely camellias, they are indeed beautiful.
    Enjoy your volunteer work.

  8. How lovely! We will have to wait at least 2.5 more moths to see these pretty flowers here.

  9. Whenever I see pictures of flowers at this time of the year, I always check to see where the person lives. Lucky you in CA where flowers can be enjoyed most of the year. Ours here on the east coast are just peeking out of the ground now, but should be in bloom in less that a month (I hope).

  10. Pretty share ! You know I had a book of poetry that Jackie Kennedy read to her children when they were small. Nick is three years older than our grandson Colton. When they were small I would whip out that book and read them "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere". They would be asleep before I hit the second stanza! LOL! but they never forgot what they heard either. Always a pleasure to visit you here. I am getting better at catching up wherever I go! Hugs, Anne

  11. Hello Terra, I thought you were "new" to my blog but now I recognize your blog. Seems like you have changed your avatar and name a bit.

    Lovely camellias! We don't have them here (yet), it is far to cold in South Germany right now for that type of flower.

    It is very good of you to do voluntary work. I have noticed that elderly people are either very much interested in hearing about the world outside their limited sphere, or they are not at all interested and rather focus on their own lives. Best is to ask the ladies you are visiting what they would like to do.
    If they enjoy reminiscing, getting their photo albums out and tell you about what life was like back in the days when they were young, then that's fine - you'll probably hear some fascinating stories.
    On the other hand, if they want your opinion and report of current affairs, I am sure you can keep them updated, maybe reading some current newspapers together.

  12. My mother of 95 just loves talking about herself! Beautiful flowers. I can see why you went back to get your camera.

  13. Beautiful camellias. I have a cousin who was a High School principal and for a hobby raised camellians. He won many many awards and ribbons at fairs with his many many varieties.

  14. I like the idea of poetry a lot. I think it can lead to some great discussion and evoke memories. I also like Librarian's idea of photo albums. I know I like to chat about my pictures and the people in them.

  15. Pretty camelias, Terra. I also have pink and red ones blooming in our MS garden right now....Christine

  16. Terr, I love Camellia bushes; we don't get them here in Colorado because it is too cold. One of the things I miss about living in Ca. is the mild climate and the beauty of the plants. I think it's great that you'll be able to spend time with someone on a regular basis. I would suggest playing cards as well.
    Have a great week.

  17. Such a beautiful photo. I wish I was good at gardening. I am more a homebody, I'm afraid. I do like looking at beautiful gardens though. How is the volunteering going? I am sure the ladies are glad for the company.

  18. That is so wonderful that you volunteer at the retirement home. I volunteered several years ago feeding the homeless in my community. It was nice, and I met some good people along the way. These flowers are pretty with a vibrant color.


  19. The camellias are gorgeous! I'd rather have flowers than icicles. :-)
