Sunday, October 11, 2015

Friendship quotes

"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another "What! You too? I thought I was the only one."   C.S. Lewis

"Every true friend is a glimpse of God."  Lucy Larcom

"Friendship is a word the very sight of which in print makes the heart warm."  Augustine Birrell

I hope you have one or more true friends, they are a blessing, aren't they? My youngest friend is in her thirties and I feel energized when I am with her. This week we took a walk along the bay with her toddler. Next week I will visit my oldest friend who is in her nineties, and as she says, doing very well considering her age. And yes, I have friends my age too, and will have lunch next week with some of my friends who I met at our workplace years ago. Of the six of us, four are retired and two are still working in the salt mines. Er, I mean the library.


  1. Love this post and I totally agree! Friends come in all ages! I like the term 'age integrated.' Brings out the best in all of us!

  2. thanks for sharing, your friendship is a sweet blessing to me.

  3. Dear Terra ~ Friendships are precious, in person or online.

    You are a friend who sends cards that bless FlowerLady at the time she needs them. This latest one is a treasure as are your written words.

    Love, hugs and prayers dear friend ~ FlowerLady

  4. This is sweet....The value of having true friends is priceless! Enjoy your visit next week...

  5. This is a lovely post to remind us what a gift true friendship is. Lovely quotes. Like you, I have friends of my own age and, also, a friend in her eighties and one in her nineties. They all bring pleasure in their own way. I'm an only child and certainly couldn't do without my female friends.

  6. Age for friends makes no's wonderful to have friends..

  7. Friends are the treasure that make you richer as the years go by.

  8. How wonderful to have so many friends of different ages! Loved the quotes.

  9. Hi Terra. So true that it is good to have a good friend. I think having friends of different ages is a good thing, indeed. Susan

  10. Friends truly are a blessing and I'm blessed with many. : ) Great quotes.

  11. Lovely post! Grateful for all of my friends, near and far. Can't imagine how lonely life would be without friends.

  12. Love the first photo -- a pinky swear! It brings back memories of school friends over the years. Then I thought of the Girl Scout song, Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver, and the others gold. What would life be without friends to laugh and cry with?

  13. I love this post and love the pictures too! You are so fortunate, Terra, for having friends of different ages. I can see why too cause you are a wonderful and a very warm person....Christine

  14. I've had my blogging friends on my mind so much lately since I couldn't visit with them online. I love these sweet quotes and I'm glad we are friends. Catching up on some of your book reviews too. I read a LOT while we were gone! Hugs, Diane

  15. That CS Lewis quote is one of my favourites :o)

  16. Great photos and quotes. Friendship is a precious thing and to have friends of all ages, even more so.

  17. Just dropping in to say a reciprocal "hi" from my blog! Good to have you visiting over in the Fens in the UK, and I love your photos of all the plants and flowers, and your inspirational sharing of quotes and books - I shall be back xxx

  18. This was a wonderful post and a reminder of what a blessing friendship is. I always say that my friends keep me sane. Great quotes, too... :)

  19. What precious friendship quotes! This post was a beautiful reminder of how precious and sweet our friends are. Thanks for sharing. Hugs to you!

  20. Friendship chooses on age. And I'm equally proud that I met you in the blogosphere. You are one of the few closest friends I have here.

  21. Sweet!
    Me too, I have several young friends, friends my age and some dear old friends. :-)
    Sweet post.
    xx oo

  22. I have lots of friends, but a couple best friends. They are my age, but I also just met a special lady at my church, and she is in her 70's and is such a dear woman.

    Thank you for being my friend, Terra. I love that picture of the sheep. :)


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