Monday, February 16, 2015

Visit to wharf with friends in February

I enjoyed a sunny day on the wharf today (February 13, 2015) with temperature of 75 degrees F, and 4 friends and I had lunch at a seafood restaurant. After lunch we walked on the wharf and here is what we saw.
Sea lions floating and napping in the sun.
A restaurant with flags flying, at the end of the wharf. We did not eat at this restaurant but it is very festive.
Wei, Peggy, Terry and me after our meal. That is me in blue.

Wei, Terry, Peggy and Cynthia. We do laugh a lot. This world is a funny place sometimes and we like to celebrate that.


  1. How wonderful to gather with friends :)

  2. Sounds like you have an enjoyable time with your friends. Would love to have 75 degrees and sunshine here. We are in the high 20's and under a layer of ice and sleet. :(

  3. I did not know that seals could nap and float in the water at the same time. Glad you had a lovely day out.

  4. Hard to imagine it beng in the 70's anywhere.
    : ) It is 5 right now here.

  5. My daughter, who also lives in CA, told me she and her family were going to the beach yesterday. I, on the other hand, was going out to shovel snow. She had a better day.

  6. You're making me miss summer, lol - looks like a great day!!!

  7. A beautiful time with wonderful friends and great weather! I'd say perfect! My hubby and I had the closest thing to deep fried cheesecake, we had Valentine's Day dessert at our favorite Mexican restaurant that was a deep fried tortilla and folded inside of it was two slices of cheesecake and a softball size scoop of ice cream. Now they did assure us that it was low calorie! HaHaHa! Enjoy your evening Terra.

  8. I sure wish we were having that wonderful weather. Looks like you had a lovely day.

  9. I love gathering with good glad you had a good time.

  10. Looks like a great day. Special friends make it even more special.
    xx oo

  11. Thank you for sharing your beautiful happy day and all that warmth. I love to celebrate the funny things in this world too :)

  12. How wonderful it is to share amazing moments with friends:)

  13. There is nothing as exciting and more fun than gathering with friends :)

  14. A day out in the sun with friends. Is there anything nicer ?

  15. It's nice that you got together with friends and went to the wharf. Is that the wharf in San Francisco? My husband just visited there and saw the sea lions too. They were all bunched up together on the dock. It was such a sight.

    You look so cute in your blue top.

    love, ~Sheri

  16. A truly perfect and unforgettable day for sure. Love that you got some time in with friends both in the water and on the land that made it memorable.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  17. Hi Terra,

    Thank you for your kind comment on my blog. Looks like you had a lovely day out with your friends. A beautiful photo of the sea lions!

    Madelief x

  18. Sounds like you and your friends had a wonderful day. It's been a little on the cold side here...hopefully it will warm up soon. Thank you for stopping by for a visit.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  19. Beautiful photos and lovely friends who like to laugh. Laughter is GOOD. I like the sea otters in the water relaxing.

  20. Oh how fun, Terra. I love the Wharf, always fun walking around there....Christine

  21. 75 degrees. Good friends. Seafood for lunch. That's a great way to spend the day! =) Those sea lions are cute floating so freely!! blessings ~ tanna

  22. It's always a joy and blessing to get together with friends :) And may I just say that you are so beautiful!

    Have a blessed week. Hugs!
