Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Cyclamen on Patio

These red and white cyclamen live on our patio and are happy to bloom even in February, as they are doing this week.
I admit I have a tender heart toward plants that look dead. All three of these looked completely dead, my fault because I didn't water them enough when they were outdoors in tiny pots. They just dried up. But I began watering them faithfully and voila, they are alive and giving me BEAUTY.
Bless their little flower hearts.
That makes me think of my prayer life and how I need to keep it tended and then it gives me joy.
Above is a photo of a cyclamen I posted in the past. It is happy on the kitchen windowsill between two cilantro plants. When cyclamen plants get tired of being indoors I move them to the patio. Thus the occasional seeming death of a patio plant occurs, which usually come back to vibrant life by my watering them. Yes, I live in a temperate climate where they can survive all year.
They also do well in your garden in shade or part shade, and do like to be dry very briefly and then watered.
Sometimes a friend will give me a cyclamen and I always put it on the kitchen windowsill for as long as it blooms and then I move it outside.
I often give a cyclamen as a gift, and this Christmas I gave one to our new neighbors, as a surprise gift, and a welcome to the neighborhood gift.
Do you like to give and receive plants? Do you have favorites?


  1. Hello Terra,

    We must confess that we are not terribly good at looking after Cyclamen. Indeed, we are responsible for more Cyclamen deaths than we have had hot dinners but we do like them so very much.

    You do seem to have success, even with the neglect. We wonder if this is, perhaps, a key to our disasters. We probably water them too much and they rot. Dryness is possibly better for them than dampness.

    Yours look good and they do make a cheery welcome at the front of the house.

  2. I think there is a lesson to be learned from your plants...sometimes I look a little dry and dead, but given a little of God's word and sunshine...I begin to bloom.

    Thanks for that object lesson today.

  3. You lucky, lucky girl!!! To be able to have these outside this time of year---heaven! So pretty.
    sending hugs....

  4. I hide my head in shame when I say I do not like to receive plants...I always over water or underwater...then feel awful about it. I do enjoy plants in nature, on the side of the road or in ditches, on the hillside or in a garden. My Frank buys a hanging plant each year for our patio...Begonias seem to do well...he does the watering :)

  5. I have never seen this flower before! Wonderful comment on your prayer life and keeping that tending, too. Gardening sure has a lot of lessons on faith.
    I like getting seeds, plants and bulbs and shoots from dear friends and adding them to my every time I walk by, I think about them. Sappy, huh?

  6. I love to receive plants and yes I do give them too, not often though.

  7. How beautiful and how fun to have flowers in bloom at this time of the year. I just came indoors from pruning back my knock-out roses and found they were already producing leaves on some of the canes. My Hydrangeas also have buds. Love it!

  8. My mom always used to grow them, so now you reminded me of her.

  9. I have killed a cyclamen in my time :( Nice to see yours living!

  10. Your plants are beautiful. I have some fairly nice ones on the windowsill in my office but someone else waters them for me. I'm like the kiss of death near plants! Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog.

  11. Oh Terra. So happy you brought the little plants back to life. Shows what a little patience and love can do (in plants' lives and in peoples lives, too).

    Yes, I love getting and giving plants. I'm especially partial to anything pink. But right now I have a lavender and white plant blooming on the windowsill and a cheery yellow one! ha! Take care. Susan

  12. I do enjoy receiving plants as a gift. One of my bowling team members usually gives us a poinsettia each Christmas. Mine are still living from the last three years. Your Cyclamen is beautiful!

  13. Terra - I do love getting plants as a gift. They don't always survive tho. I find there are some things I can grow but, a lot I can't. But they are always such a bright Ray of sunshine.

    Thanks for your sweet comment on 20 North Ora. I know that he is in Heaven in no pain and I have to be grateful to God for that.


  14. Terra - love to receive plants. Even if they don't always survive but I try.

    Thanks for your sweet comment.


  15. Absolutely beautiful, my dear. I love plants and they bring a smile to my face, but I must be honest and say that I am not the best care-giver...I tend to forget to water them :( So I simply don't have any around. But I certainly enjoy seeing yours, dear Terra :) ugs to you!

  16. I have great banks of cyclamen in the garden. Indoor cyclamen don’t like me, but outdoor cyclamen flourish. Perhaps because I ignore them.

  17. Beautiful flowers. I don't often give plants. Many people I know would think it akin to giving them a puppy. Unwanted responsibility. Lol

  18. I do have problems with Cyclamen indoors but they do quite well outside after I've 'killed' them! My favourite plants have to be orchids, I can keep them for months!! Take care xx

  19. I love cyclamens too. And they a variety of colours and blooms. Since it is summer here in OZ, they must be dormant. I'd like to see them again this coming winter.
    Thank your for your visit and kind words.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend


  20. Wow. They look stunning. That is really a rich red.
