Saturday, January 10, 2015

Puppets from Bali

We have a collection of art from Indonesia, and I have not shared any of it with you on my blog before.

These are four rod puppets we have. I took the first photo because light coming through stained glass created a glorious circle pattern on the wall around the puppets. The light circle doesn't show on the photo but the puppets turned out ok.
As you can see they are two couples and I am sure they are in love. On the left in the first photo and in the photo above is the first pair we bought from a local gal who travels to Indonesia and brings back art to sell in her store.
My husband surprised me with the lady puppet of the couple. I said I loved her and my husband said "they seemed to be a pair, maybe we should go to the store and unite them." We went to the store and there the missing loved one was, lying down on a shelf and looking woebegone. We made the purchase and hurried home to reunite the couple and they have been together ever since.

Hey, this sounds like a Valentines Post.
The third photo is a closer view of the second pair of puppets we bought. These are all rod puppets or Wayang Golek from Indonesia.


  1. What a divine couple, such a sweet gesture to find the soul mate!! Thanks for your visit today, always makes me happy to hear from you.

  2. Those are AMAZING. I have a good friend who collects masks from all over the world, she has some puppets too, she'd love these.

  3. Your puppets are cute. I am glad you could re-unite the pair. LOL
    Thanks for your sweet comment on my post "ain't Got no Mama."

  4. New Year and new directions. I feel the Holy Spirit is directing me to leave my formal church. They are forbiding me to give verbal testamonies any longer. In my spirit I have felt something like this was going to happen and I take it as a sign from the Lord.
    Tomorrow may be my last day at this church.

  5. I have never seen anything like these before. Very intriguing.

  6. your husband has a romantic heart, they are beautiful puppets , I would love to see them in action!

  7. Hi Terra! May I know your email address? Can you leave it as a comment in one of my blog post or can you email me at dianewrites15(at)gmail(dot)com

    many thanks :)

  8. I love seeing things couples collect and think there is so much more behind your collecting of these puppets. What a wonderful love story. We are not meant to be alone.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  9. It is a VERY sweet Valentines post...I am so glad they found each other!


  10. What a lovely story indeed. Hope you are having a wonderful, week

    Thank you for your visit.


  11. Very nice, thanks for sharing with us readers. Also thanks for your visits and comments on Facebook.

  12. These puppets are gorgeous and what a treasure. I too would love to see them in action...

  13. How romantic! I have just one, I must get busy trying to find him a mate!
    Happy New Year.

  14. These puppets from Indonesia are treasures, indeed. I always tell Jess to bring me home something when she travels. This is one place she has never been to. The puppets are so colorful and look like they have their own personality.


  15. Love your ornate puppets... Beautiful!
