Saturday, January 17, 2015

Photos I took on walk on wharf in California

I took a walk on our local wharf on January 12 and took some photos to share with you here.
Above are kayaks for rent and a favorite seafood restaurant.
Above is a photo of about 50 sea lions napping while floating in a sunny spot.


  1. I love the photos! Like a breath of fresh (salty) air!

  2. I want to take a floating nap like the sea lions. Thanks for sharing the photos.

  3. Fun photos! Sea lions are amusing!

  4. Colorful kayaks. Looking forward to when I can go kayaking again.

  5. Love the sea lions floating in the sun - great picture!

  6. Can't help being a bit jealous of your weather and sights.

  7. There is NO place, quite like the Ocean. Lovely pictures...

  8. I enjoyed visiting quite a few wharves on a visit to California a few years ago. I loved seeing the sea lions and otters.

  9. So nice to see your place:)Makes me miss summer even more:)

  10. Gotta love those sea lions. So cute. And I like that kolourful kluster of kayaks in in first photo.

    Thanks for your kind wishes for Benny.. he'd doing great!

  11. I didn't know you lived in CA..learn something every day! LOL!
    I loved the sea lions when I visited there and what wonderful people I friendly. I would live there if I could afford it! :)
    Your pictures are wonderful and I miss having seafood even though I'm from the midwest there isn't even a red lobster around here.
    Have you gotten any seed catalogs yet? Take care!

  12. aahh, those sea lions are wonderful, aren't they? My husband took a few pics of them as well, and they were all crowded next to each other. It sounds like you had a nice walk on the wharf, Terra. I have been longing for the ocean and recently visited.

    Have a happy week.

    love, ~Sheri

  13. Wow...such great photos! Thanks a bunch for sharing!

  14. You lucky thing to be able to have such warm sunshine! I love the sea lions x

  15. Your images are so fresh and refreshing. The sea lions hold a special soft spot in my heart. Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for stopping by and for your kind words.
    Helen xx

  16. I love it!! Some fun color in my world of Winter white. :-))

    I love the sea lions.

  17. Beautiful, and the colors
    really sing to me since we
    are in the depth of winter,
    here. I love to head to the
    beach when we visit our
    daughter, who goes to school
    in California.

    xo Suzanne

  18. You know, I like to see photos of every day. We often take our local place for granted and spend so much traveling.

    This inspired me to take a walk and see this place with fresh eyes. :)

  19. Those sea lions are something to see! And I love the bright blue skies and pretty color everywhere you look! Happy weekend!

  20. That looks like my kind of walk. What a beautiful place and a beautiful day.

  21. Lovely pics!!! Wish I was floating in a sunny spot right now....

  22. Love the photos. Thanks for sharing them!

  23. Sea lions floating and relaxing. Just adorable! :)

  24. Hiya Terra
    Beautiful pics Mate.. We saw lots of seals (sea lions) like that in San Francisco so perhaps they migrate up and down the coast.. Its so thrilling to see them in a natural stage and not in a zoo.
    Love all the different coloured kayak's.. they make you want to jump into the ocean. Hugs

  25. I've never been to California, but my college boy has now been there several times visiting his high school buddies who have gone to university there. Lovely pictures. Imagine floating and sleeping at the same time. :) Best wishes, Tammy

  26. Such beautiful and clear water, and those sea lions are darling!!

