Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My Potato Dolls

Ha ha, to me these two potatoes in the back of the strainer have heads and rounded bodies and look like a momma and a child potato doll. I hope they make you smile.
Well they made me smile. I harvested them from my handy dandy potato pail, and after taking this photo my hubby made potato salad with them. I hope that is not too shocking or cannibalistic, to eat these cuties.
If you have been following my blog for a while you know I adore growing potatoes, and these were grown in a five gallon pail.
I promptly took five small taters I had grown and planted them, since I think they grow year round here in California. I feel like a complete peasant woman when I dig up potatoes, a great feeling, and they taste fabulous, very smooth flesh and almost sweet.


  1. I see them too! I think growing your own potatoes is great. I remember helping my Dad dig them up when I was young.

  2. Ha! They do look like people : )
    I have never heard of growing potatoes in a pail. Very interesting and they sound yummy.

  3. We have had potatoes from the garden that have some very unusual shapes! We've never grown them in a bucket, though.

  4. They are cute,but I'm sure the potato salad was very tasty as well.

  5. what an amazing feeling it must be to be able to enjoy potatoes from your own garden.... they do look like ladies.... happy Wednesday ... xo C. (HHL)

  6. It DID make me smile! Aren't we blessed to get such joy out of the simple things in life. I have a question about potatoes. Are you supposed to let them sit and dry out a bit before you eat them? I thought I heard once that they could be sort of poisonous if you eat them really "fresh". I know they are part of the night shade family but was curious if and how you "cure" your potatoes? I used to lay mine out on a picnic table in the shade for a few days or's been so long now or I'm so old I can't quite remember. LOL! I didn't grow any this year but I have several empty plastic garbage cans that will be used for that next year! We're not quite as warm as you in CA but I am planning on planting some Swiss Chard and maybe Kale as I know the Swiss Chard can even be harvested out of a snow bank! It's pretty hardy I'd say! Enjoy your "tators"! Oh, there was a book title once by a comedy writer, Lewis Grizzard, if memory serves me right, titled "Don't bend over in the garden Granny Cuz Them Tators Have Eyes"....just sayin'. TTYL!

  7. How funny! They DO look like prim dollies! heehee! Hope they tasted good. (how could you EAT didn't really, did you?) hahaha! Sweet hugs!

  8. You are so right! They do look like dolls.. Thanks for the smile!

  9. Your little potato family is adorable. How clever of you to grow your own, in a bucket no less!
    I bet the potato salad was delicious.

  10. I do so love the joy you take in growing and harvesting these fruits of your labor. =)

    Terra, thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement. Thank you. blessings ~ tanna

  11. I have never grown potatoes, but always wanted to. Maybe next year.

  12. They do look like people.. LOL so amazing how nature is. I love potatos and we grow our own also. xx

  13. I love your potatoes!!! And I love the fact your husband cooks!

  14. They do look like dolls, yes! And there is nothing shocking about eating them - we all (well, most of us, anyway) eat chocolate bunnies and chocolate Santas etc., and don't feel cannibalistic about that :-)

  15. Your potatoes brought a smile. I think growing your own food is great!


  16. They DO taste best home grown, don't they? Must be something in the soil...

  17. Never grown potatoes in a pail before... They are cuties...

  18. How cute! I dont think you can beat the taste of home grown potatoes either.

  19. Well I think your 'Tater' dolls are cute. Bet the potato salad was excellent. My Dad always had potatoes when I was growing up. I think I should plant some in a pot!!!

  20. I remember playing in a field one time when I was little and we found potatoes. I thought it was great and took them home to my mother only to find out I'd dug up our neighbor's garden. Ouch!

  21. Good for you Terra; growing them.... I feel like a total consumer.... buying mine at Safeway....sigh....

  22. LOL! Well as long as you didn't name them then making potato salad out of them was OK. Haha!
    xo Catherine

  23. They do look like dolls! How funny. I need to add some potatoes to my garden.

    Whimsical Allure

  24. Those little dolls are probably happy to serve you as potato salad! Thank you for your sweet comments to my recent post. Yes, Robert has his first e-book to BookTango. "Billy Hill" an exciting story about scam, ran and fortune!
