Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween Zombie Poster From My Grandpa's Show

My grandpa, Elmer Pelkin, was a professional magician in the 1920s, 30s and 40s, and here is a poster from one of his shows. I think it is a fun poster for this Halloween holiday.
Invisible zombies!
Right in tune with all the fervor over zombies on tv now, including The Walking Dead. I am a fan of this tv show though I close my eyes upon occasion when the zombie gore is too much for me.
My grandfather was Elmer Pelkin and he toured the USA east of the Mississippi, with his wife (my grandma Leah) and four of their five children as the troupe of performers.


  1. That must have been very interesting to be touring in those years. Transportation was more difficult to manage then. It would be much simpler in today's times.

  2. I wonder what he would have thought of the popularity of zombies today. And how interesting to have had a grandfather magician.

  3. What a treasure, and what a fascinating family! Have you ever posted any stories about them?

  4. I had no idea zombies were the rage back in the day--cool poster!

  5. What an interesting (and probably difficult) way to make a living! I love the zombie poster.

  6. Yes, it was difficult traveling in those days. Imagine the roads, nothing like our highways. The family traveled in a large rv like vehicle which my grandfather designed and built.

  7. Did you meet your grandfather before he died, and did he teach you any of his "magic" tricks?

  8. How interesting! I'm so happy that you have his posters to enjoy, too!

  9. wow that is so cool! That's such a wonderful treasure to have!
    you are so blessed!
    i've been exploring your blog.
    it's wonderful!
    would definitely love to check out your scrapbooking book! I love those kinds of things!
    you have a wonderful night and a great halloween!

    Much love,

    p.s. if you'd like, feel free to check out my blog! ;)

    short sleeved pants

  10. That's nice to have such a grandpa !
    In Belgium Halloween is not very much celebrated and this year there is really nothing in our town.

  11. What a lovely tribute to Grandpa and his exciting showm (and troupe)

  12. That is so cool! Your grandpa must have been a character! I hope he showed you all of his secrets...

  13. How fun that you have the poster from your Grandpa's shows. What a legacy!

  14. How awesome to have a magician in your family! I bet he entertained the family with tricks and magic.

  15. What an interesting piece of your family history. You don't hear of very many people whose grandfather was a magician! Cool. Diane

  16. Oh my gosh, Terra, this is fascinating! Imagine traveling as a family from town to town performing. The poster is really cool. I am not too into Zombies, but I remember seeing the "Night of the Living Dead" in the 1970's and I enjoyed it.

    Thanks so much for stopping by to visit me; sorry it has taken a while to return the favor.

    Have a wonderful week!

    Kathy M.

  17. How very interesting! I bet his act was fabulous. I can only imagine touring as a family - it must have been difficult at times, but so educational, too. Wonderful that you still have some of his memorabilia.
