Saturday, August 1, 2009

Garden strawberries and blackberries

This photo shows scrumptious blackberries from our huge wild blackberry patch, and Chandler strawberries from our twelve sturdy plants.
My husband took this photo of the bowl of blackberries and strawberries I picked this morning.
We don't water or feed the seven foot tall and ten foot wide blackberry brambles, and can only pick from the edges of it, due to extreme danger from the thorns. Smile.
This leaves most of the berries for the birds and wild critters that visit our city garden. We have a pretty skunk and a light grey possum among our visitors, and they may actually live in the thorny berry patch, which is fine by us.
So these berries are all organic and sweet as sweet can be.


  1. Your blackberries are way ahead of ours! The plants can be annoying poking here and there, but berries are delicious. My boys like to ride their bikes around our neighborhood, stop at their favorite bushes and pick up berries for me to bake a pie. BTW, thanks for a nice comment on their B-day post!I am surprized that your strawberries are still going! Look delicious!

  2. My mouth is watering!

  3. Beautiful picture!! Nothing beat fresh, sweet, berries picked from your own backyard...

  4. Sunshine, Your berries are so yummy looking. I have wild blackberries and raspberries but the straberries never fruited. What's your secret? Sparkles

  5. Looks yummy! Berries are my FAVORITE fruit....
