Thursday, July 30, 2009


Flower Garden גינת פרחים
Originally uploaded by Exothermic

"Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made." Henry Beecher 1858

What are your favorite flowers?

This week I bought Double Magenta Petunias that will trail over the containers, and Blue Springs Penstemon, with flowers that are the unique & glorious blue with tinge of pink and purple mixed into the blue.


  1. Oh, how I am longing for flowers. A lone daylily that I planted this year cheers me, bright orange/yellow. I've grown to appreciate caladiums. :)

    Wanted to let you know that I received the book, Holy Rollers, and am finding it a good read. Thanks so much!


  2. Those are beautiful!

    I LOVE tulips. Can't grow them (too hot here), but I love the graceful way they stand, lean and even droop. They are so pretty---sometimes if I am having a downer day, if I run into Walmart---I will splurge and get a small bundle for my table! I real pick-me-up!

    I looked on down the page...mozzarella and tomato salad are a FAVORITE of mine as well!

    Have a blessed weekend!

  3. Sunshine the colors are just so lush. Sparkles
