Monday, July 10, 2023

Walking Has Great Benefits, Thank Goodness


Recent books and studies show even more ways walking is good for me, thank goodness, I will take all the help I can get! Many of you readers know I walk with Bounce two times a day, and we love doing that. For health and enjoyment and a lift to my spirits. I read a recent article that says that moderate walking like I do can also build the white matter in the brain. That makes even more incentive for me to keep walking at my age. The above photo shows Bounce's coat with the word "Security". Below he is wearing a warmer coat.


Neuroscientist Shane O'Mara wrote a recent book "In Praise of Walking" where he shows data about how walking improves cognitive powers. For seniors like me and for all of us that is good news. One study shows that people who walk more than 4,000 steps a day (that's me) had healthier brain tissue in the area responsible for memory and cognitive function. 

Hurray for walking, and thank you Mr. Bounce. I know that lots of you enjoy walking, some of you hiking for long distances (hello Ilona, DJan and all). Anyone have a walking story to share in the comments?


  1. I love the security coat! :)
    Walking is so good for you, and I need to do more of it!

  2. I like to go to our local gardens and it just makes me smile when I get there. If I take a photo of something, like a flower or an animal or bird, sometimes someone will ask a question and it will start a conversation. But I am just as happy to enjoy my surroundings quietly. I can't do as much walking as I used to, but even a short walk is a spirit lifter. Mr. Bounce is a very sweet and adorable walking companion.

  3. My husband and I leave the house at 7 AM and walk around the smallish lake in the middle of town. It takes us about 40 minutes. Great way to see a bit of wildlife and get the day off to a good start. GM

  4. I'm not walking much this time of year in Texas! WAY too hot!

  5. I wish I could get myself to start walking again. After work I've gotten too lazy.

  6. Good to know. I guess all activity is good for your. Strength training is very good for the brain too.

  7. No doubt about it...walking is really good for you in a whole bunch of ways. I haven't been able to do much walking lately because of the heat and my own tendency to dehydrate so easily, but I'm hoping to get back to it when things cool down in October or so. And you have a great little guard dog to walk with you. :-)

  8. No 'interesting' walking stories. DH and I do walk... around the neighborhood when the weather isn't too hot and at the mall or the Senior Center twice a week. It's not a nature hike as is available to some, but it is walking. And yes, I do think it is something that is good for us and should be encouraged.

  9. Wonderful! Congratulations to sweet Bounce and to you for this great post!
    When I had my sweet big dog Timmi I always was walking with him through the forest. Later I had three gust-dogs and walked with them through the forest. My sister loved to go with me and the dogs, because she is loving dogs, but she is not able to have an own dog. Later all these wonderful dog-friends died. But my sister and me still walk every day thorough the forest. We feel the healing!

  10. Going for a walk with a companion is good, always enjoyed it myself when the 2 dogs were alive.

  11. Hi Terra - walking is most definitely essential to life ... even a stroll ... it all helps. Regularly and often ... congratulations - and keep enjoying them - cheers Hilary

  12. I usually try to get out at least once a day, even if it varies for how long. I don't have a car so whereever I go involves walking. I've had various health/pain issues over the years but have kind of made it my motto that even just a few minutes is usually better than nothing. I don't have a dog (and never wanted one) but I sometimes call my camera my "dog", because I never quite know what it might want to stop and sniff at - and sometimes it makes me go somewhere different than I first had in mind...

  13. I walk everyday and I love it. Bounce is a cutie!

  14. We have lots of hiking trails here in North Florida and I get good exercise AND get to see amazing things. It's good for body and soul!

  15. My husband and I have always walked but during 2020 when everyone was so fearful of Covid, I got a walking app on my phone and put my goal at 5000 steps a day. (I figured it would help my immune system).I love when I get 7000 or 10,000 steps a day, it gives you a little category for those days! Walking doesn't really cost anything, just put one foot in front of another! LOL!

  16. When my husband was in rehab 3x a week for 3 months, I walked the hospital grounds for that hour. It had many levels and inclinds. It was the healthiest time if my life. I probably do about 2000 steps a day but need to step it up. Thanks for the information and encouragement.
    When we had a little Molly Girl, she had a "Security" tee shirt.
