Sunday, July 3, 2022

Happy 4th of July


Here are some of the lyrics to the song America the Beautiful. 

America! America!
God mend thine every flaw. 
Confirm thy soul in self-control, 
Thy liberty in law. 
 Lift high the cross, unfurl the flag.
May they forever stand
 United in our hearts and hopes: 
God and our native land! 
America! America! 
May God thy love increase 
Till wars are past, and earth at last 
May follow Christ in peace.
I hope all of you, my dear followers, in lands near and far, enjoy a happy and free July.


  1. Hi Terra - have a blessed and peaceful day and years ahead - free and fair to all. Hilary

  2. Happy 4th
    The only part of that song I remember was
    America, America
    God shed his grace on thee
    And crown thy good
    with brotherhood
    from sea to shining sea.

  3. This is a wonderful song!

    Love and peace all over the world and shelter of the Lord. Without HIM we will go into hell.....

    Best greetings to you from Dori from the Bavarian Forest

  4. Happy 4th Terra! Cute picture and such a good song.

  5. thank you for that... verses I was not familiar with and is so important to remember!

  6. Dear Terra...
    Thank you so much for the lyrics. It's always amazing to read them.
    Thanks, too, for your visits to Writing Straight from the Heart and your wonderful comments as well. It always makes me smile to see that you have visited. Hope your Independence Day is awesome. Hugs. Susan

  7. What a sweet little girl in your picture, Terra. I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July as well. ~Andrea xoxo

  8. Happy 4th of July to you and your family.

  9. Lovely picture.
    Happy 4th to you too.

  10. Thank you for the beautiful lyrics to this wonderful song. I hope you've had a wonderful July 4th.

  11. Amazing how far we've gone from the times when this was written. Beautiful lyrics . . . we live very close to where the parade shooting was yesterday and all of our fireworks and events were cancelled. It made me so sad, especially that this day is now marred forever for those families. Grateful that God is STILL in control in this chaotic world!

  12. A sweet photo and a lovely finish of the Red White and Blue :) The words always bring a tear to me eye, and now because of the latest sadness, and heart is with all the people who lost their loved ones.

  13. Hope you had a great 4th of July!

  14. it was a wonderful day for us, not so for many other families!! that is such a cute picture!!
