Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Neighborhood bits and bobs, ocean, hawk nesting platform


Look closely and you can see the nesting platform below the star on the roof of my neighbors' home. They must be great people, they put this platform on the roof of their house, and I have seen what looks like a hawk sitting on the star. It is two blocks from the ocean, perhaps it is a nest for ospreys or other ocean birds.

A closeup of the wisteria at my favorite coffee shop patio set in expansive church gardens across the street from the ocean.

The above rose in my garden is named Julia Child, a great name don't you think? I took this photo this week as it is in full bloom again. I likely share a photo of it here each year; it looks like a bouquet and is six feet tall and five feet wide. There is a lot of work I do to get it to bloom so profusely, mainly earlier this year I removed 1,000 or more spent flowers one by one which is called dead heading.

I took this photo recently, I must have accidentally selected black and white on my cell phone camera. It shows the cliffs and the ocean near my home. Are you enjoying this month of May and finding beauty around you?


  1. Thank you for your nice bits and pieces. What a beautiful shrub with flowers! I also really enjoy flowers this month, blossom. Especially the yellow broom.

    Is broom blooming in your part of the world?

  2. How cool to have the platform near you so you can watch what comes and goes. Wisteria are such pretty bushes. My folks had one that worked hard on every year. I've wondered if the people who bought the house enjoy it and take care of it. My folks had it for years! Beautiful roses and beach picture.
    Sandy's Space

  3. Cool nesting platform! Love the wisteria too.

  4. The yellow rose busy is so stunning. I can't imagine deadheading that many flowers. YOu are dedicated! And, you are blessed to have the ocean so close by you. I miss the Oregon coast and hearing the waves crashing. So far, I haven't discovered any natural beauties here to be able to compete with the northwest. But family is here and that overcomes everything else.

  5. Those yellow roses are STUNNING!!!!

  6. B& W suits the photo of the cliffs. That rose tree is quite spectacular.

  7. Oh my! Such great pictures today!! I love the nesting platform...looks like it is for Ospreys. They use platforms such as that here on electric poles, etc. and they are such fun to watch. I didn't realize you lived so close to the ocean! How wonderful! That wisteria is gorgeous, and so is that yellow rose bush! That is amazing!! Well worth the work to get it to bloom so beautifully. Your ocean rocks/waves picture is stunning. I think the black and white is a good choice for that. All in all, great pictures and wonderful story! Have a blessed week!

  8. It is a beauty of a rose bush. And interesting that your neighbors provide nesting for an osprey each year. I imagine it's the same one that returns.

  9. I'm loving the Spring weather.
    Your pics are really pretty. That photo of the cliffs turned out really nice.
    Wisteria is so pretty. Unfortunately, it's too cold for it here.

  10. There's a nesting platform like that in one of the parks where we walk. So far I haven't noticed that it's been in use though. The yellow rose is stunning. I can imagine how much work it is to deadhead it.

  11. Love your photos! Loved Julia Child and love the black and white photo. The nesting is always wonderful to see. We have a very noisy woodpecker in our neighborhood. He likes to turn up the racket early in the morning. The dogs just don't know what to do about it. Our kids saw a momma and baby squirrel trying to escape our yard. The baby fell but clung to our fence for dear life while momma was looking frantically how she could help her baby. Fortunately Zach and Rebekah held Leo, our big dog back as he is the only threa to the wild rabbits and squirrels. The lil pups are just curious.
    I have not been on line at my blog lately. Our son Nick is having serious health issues. They ruled out leukemia but it is like walking a tightrope until they find out what is going on with him. I know you will pray.
    I hope your weekend is blessed and beautiful. Thank you. I will eventually catch up with everyone here. Take care.

  12. Lovely photos. Black and white looks rather nice..just love wisteria and roses.

  13. I love wisteria and want to get a plant of my own one day. The photo you posted is absolutely gorgeous. They remind me of lilacs. Yes, the outdoors is bursting with color here too, Terra. I love spring! ~Andrea xoxo

  14. Gorgeous pictures, Terra!~ Yes I am fully enjoying May with its ups and downs. Looking forward to swimming season! It's getting hot and the pool will soon be ready. xoxo

  15. Lovely photos.
    I planted some wisteria a few years ago that a friend gave me and this is the first year that it is blooming. :)

  16. I have a very similar rose. I know very little about how to take care of roses, but if i I feed and water them, they last through the mid-summer and then disease takes hold.

  17. I love the last photo! Black and while just makes beautiful pictures even more dramatic and beautiful in my opinion!

  18. When I saw your ocean photo, I read your profile to see where you live. I am well north of you in Eugene, Oregon, which is sixty miles from a coast-line that looks much like yours. Eugene is near the 45th parallel, so the winter days are a good bit shorter than where you are, and I envy you that.

  19. That black and white photo of the ocean is beautiful, Terra. I think black and white makes it look a bit more mysterious. The wisteria is pretty also. I've been seeing this flowering plant on some of my blog friend's posts right now. I hope you are enjoying the May days, and it's not too warm yet.


  20. You are wonderful, to have deadheaded your rose bush. And of course, it repaid you....

