Saturday, April 16, 2022

Easter Joy, He Is Risen


Yes, He is risen, a time of joy for Christians, as he gives us the promise of eternal life with him. Christ offers to each and every person in the world this promise, if you say yes and follow him.

Matthew 27:50-54 describes what happened at the moment of Christ's death: the earth quaked, the huge curtain in the temple was torn in two from top to bottom and tombs opened up. "When the centurion and those who were with him, keeping watch over Jesus, saw the earthquake and what took place, they were filled with awe and said 'Truly this was the Son of God.'"

I hope each of you blog readers has a fulfilling Sunday and week and time with loved ones. The eggs below may be Ukrainian eggs, even more precious this year.


  1. Happy Easter to you! Beautiful pysanky!

  2. Wishing you a lovely Easter...

  3. Happy and Blessed Easter! Thank you for sharing the beautiful Ukrainian Eggs. So beautiful.

  4. Oh, those eggs are gorgeous! And yes, the events that took place when Christ died are amazing and remarkable. We don't often hear about all those things, and I think they are very important to know. Thank you for sharing them with us. I hope you have a blessed and beautiful Resurrection Sunday!! Christ is risen indeed!!!

  5. Wishing you a very happy Easter.

  6. Beautiful Ukranian eggs. Happy Easter!

  7. Beautiful eggs and beautiful words.
    Wishing you a wondrous and joyous Ressurection Sunday!

  8. I hope your Easter Sunday is a beautiful blessing! xo Diana

  9. Happy Easter, enjoy your Sunday.

  10. I hope you had a beautiful Easter in every way.

  11. He is risen indeed! Hope your Easter was wonderful! I think our service yesterday was one of the most moving and exciting ones I can remember. I think part of it was that we were maxed out with seating and it was so joyful to be all together worshipping!!

  12. It's the greatest story ever told! Praise God for His perfect sacrifice. xoxo

  13. Amen. I hope you had a blessed Easter! The Ukranian eggs are stunning!

  14. Happy Belated Easter. Those Ukranian eggs are beautiful.
    Sandy's Space

  15. Amen and he is coming again. :)

  16. I have another blog friend who has those Ukrainian eggs. Each one is hand painted uniquely, and are so lovely. She puts them out every year. : )

