Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Biden and Ukraine, TV shows Lie to Me and Chef's Table

Three things I have noticed. 
Putin was emboldened to invade Crimea when Obama was President.
Putin did not dare to invade Ukraine when Trump was President.
Putin is invading Ukraine when Biden is President.
Bill Maher, who does not like Trump, posed this question, "If as some on the left claim, Putin and Trump are so buddy buddy, why did Putin not invade Ukraine when Trump was President?" 
Our leadership in the USA by Obama and by Biden did not deter Putin. Food for thought. 

As a way to lighten the mood in these dangerous days, here are two TV shows I found recently and enjoy.


Lie to Me, starring Tim Roth as a facial expression and body language expert who founds a company that helps police and government agencies solve crimes, prevent terrorism, free innocent prisoners, etc. Tim Roth is brilliant in this show. I love the way he carefully studies people face to face up close to decide if they are lying. 2009 to 2011 and good news that there are 48 episodes. On Netflix.


Chef's Table, a documentary about chefs around the world. The two episodes I watched thus far are fascinating. Musa Dagdeviren is a Turkish chef in Istanbul who works to keep regional cuisines from becoming extinct. Wonderful food, a chef with bold ideas to save old type cuisines, and lots of footage of Istanbul and small towns. He was sad to hear people in Turkey insult ethnic cuisines (I won't eat at that restaurant, they serve Kurdish, Sunni, etc. foods) and that sparked his zeal to save those old recipes and showcase them in his restaurant. I attended college in Istanbul for a year my junior year abroad and love Turkish food so I watched this episode first.

Bo Songvisava is a Thai chef who is on a mission to save old style authentic Thai food recipes in her Bangkok restaurant. She is also on a mission to support organic suppliers and her restaurant is all organic, which was difficult to do because Thailand has mainly industrial farming according to her. Lots of beautiful scenes of small farms, countryside and Thai food. I am watching this series on Hulu. Each of these chefs is talented and charismatic and doing work I admire greatly. There are many episodes covering many countries and interesting chefs. The photo above is of Bo in her Bangkok restaurant.


  1. I completely disagree. Putin was put in his place by Obama. He became embolden during the Trump presidency when Trump removed the troops in Syria so that Putin could invade them. Putin spent a lot of money to try to get Trump re-elected so that he could move into Ukraine with no problem. That was the whole basis of Trump's first impeachment trial. I am just glad that Biden appointed Anthony Blinken, who I think will go down in history for all his efforts and hard work to reunite NATO, so much that countries such as Sweden are now asking to join.

  2. Trump's presidency did not deter Putin. They were best buddies! Trump would have undoubtedly supported the invasion of Ukraine.

  3. Politics are so very complicated, aren't they? So many moving parts and I'm not sure we get the truth from any media. I just hope there is a peaceful solution SOON for those poor people there.

    I LOVE Chef's Table! We have watched every season. There are so many interesting people on that show and it is amazing to see how their food is impacted by their lives and families. It is a quiet, comforting show at the end of a busy day and it was nice to settle in for a few episodes each night.

  4. Those two shows sound interesting. Thanks for sharing.
    I agree with you statement about Obama and Biden. Trump had things under control.

  5. I agree with you too - Biden is so weak it's a crying shame.

  6. Oh dear, is this planet Earth?
    For some, I believe yes.
    Others, maybe sleeping in a room without electronics will help clear the brain enough to allow the truth about the previous president to rise above the lies.
    Prayers for clarity

  7. I agree 100% with your thoughts on Obama and Biden! To think otherwise is incomprehensible. I've not heard of these shows, but will sure check out the first -- that stuff fascinates me.

  8. I also agree with your thoughts on Obama, Trump and Biden. Sad times for Ukraine and also the Russian people.
    Lie to me sounds so interesting!

  9. With great interest I read your post and the comments!! Courageous Terra!! Every day we have a lot of news in Radio and TV about the Ukraine-war. We hope, that he fire will not come all over the world. The ukaine is only 800 Kilometers from here with plane - - We host a lot of refugees from Syria and now from the Ukraine. It is good, that we can say, what we mean, what we think, what we wish. Everything isconfusing. Maybe in 100 years they can see these happenings and connections clearer- What is the connection Trum-putin? During Trump's time there was no war.....

  10. Gosh, I feel I must leave this comment here after you provided your food for thought ...

    After the January 6th attacks on the Capital to help overthrow a legitimate election and Mr. Trump’s embarrassing words and actions on that day - I find it hard (impossible) to believe that anyone still follows Mr. Trump or finds validity in anything he did prior to that terrible day. I believe that Mr. Trump had the benefit of cooler heads during his Presidency - patriots really - who helped save him from the worst of himself. There were unsung heroes in that Administration who helped maintain control, both at home and abroad - not Mr. Trump.

    And as far as Putin’s actions now, I can’t help feeling that Putin is unbalanced and will drag us into WW3. Our only hope is that cooler heads can keep that from happening - one of those heads is our current President. The work of good Presidents is what is done behind the scenes - not what is done in front of the cameras. People forget that in the age of the internet.

    (I am a registered Independent - and have voted for Republicans and Democrats - and would gladly vote for a Republican again if they could find a candidate that isn’t Donald Trump.)

  11. Yep, the O and the B administrations were/are the worst presidents I've lived through in my lifetime. No tv in this house (by choice), but the plot sounds interesting on the Tim Roth movie. Hope you're doing okay, Terra, I keep you in prayer every day. Hugs and blessings!

  12. Just reading your comment shows how divided we STILL are regarding Trump and Biden. I tend to agree that Putin would have known that Trump wouldn't have tolerated this invasion and war. I can't believe all of the people on social media that are saying that Ukraine deserves this. They know nothing of this country. My husband used to travel to the Ukraine quite often and he loved the people there. Very peace loving and glad to be independent of Russia. In Croatia they even asked him to bring an American flag each visit to replace the previous one which might have wind damage.
    We watch very little television but I do think Lie to me looks like a good one to check out.

  13. Lie to me sounds interesting but can't see it on our Netflix.
    Trump was extra friendly to Putin as I observed by the news down this way - seems it wasn't Fake News either...lol Pardon me but couldn't help myself :)

  14. Here's some more food for thought: tRump would have had no problem letting his good buddy Putin invade Ukraine. He removed the troops from Syria so Putin could invade or have you conveniently forgotten? He probably would've handed America over to him at some point as well, being the sniveling coward he was/is. So totally intimidated by Putin that he was. Obama had Putin under control because he was not the sniveling coward donald tRump was/is. And Putin knew that. Thank God Biden is president otherwise things would be so much worse. Did I mention tRump was/is a sniveling coward? Because he is. And by the way, Putin is the one who got him elected so we can thank that dictator for four years of misery. Thank God the trump era is behind us. Next up: prison.

  15. On the other hand, Trump has outright stated his desire to be a dictator just like Putin. Is that really where this country wants to go?

  16. Know your facts. Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were very harsh with Putin because he was running crooked elections. Obama administration then enacted harsh sanctions against Russia. That's why Russia interfered in Hillary's election bid (according to FBI & Mueller Report.) Remember Helsinki when Trump & Putin met in secret and even tore-up the translator's notes? That was Trump betraying Ukraine. He would only give aid to Ukraine if they agreed to testify against Hunter Biden (recorded on tape). Trump was then impeached in the House for extortion against Ukraine. Why would Russia invade then when Trump was giving Putin everything he wanted. Some think that Trump wants a deal with Putin to build a Moscow hotel. Pray for the innocent women and children of Ukraine.

  17. Know your facts. Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were very harsh with Putin because he was running crooked elections. Obama administration then enacted harsh sanctions against Russia. That's why Russia interfered in Hillary's election bid (according to FBI & Mueller Report.) Remember Helsinki when Trump & Putin met in secret and even tore-up the translator's notes? That was Trump betraying Ukraine. He would only give aid to Ukraine if they agreed to testify against Hunter Biden (recorded on tape). Trump was then impeached in the House for extortion against Ukraine. Why would Russia invade then when Trump was giving Putin everything he wanted. Some think that Trump wants a deal with Putin to build a Moscow hotel. Pray for the innocent women and children of Ukraine.

  18. Admirable chefs! I have not watched Chef's Table but one of my daughters loves it. Lie to Me is a brilliant show ... TG, Erica, and I watched every episode back in the day! We too thought Tim Roth was exceptionally great in this fantastic show. xoxo

  19. Have to comment to 'Miss Merry' (first comment), that while Putin's invasion of Ukraine has stirred up discussions for/against joining Nato here in Sweden, this is not something that has been decided, or is likely to be decided in haste even now. As for the US presidents, I'll just say that my impression is that over here, in general, we were relieved to see Trump replaced by Biden, but still miss Obama.

  20. Food for thought on several levels here. Love Lie to Me. xo Diana

  21. Putin desires to return to the days of the Russian Empire, to take back the territories that became independent when the U.S.S.R.fell.
    When Ukraine was established as an independent state, Crimea was part of it as the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
    In 2014, when the corrupt Ukrainian president was ousted from power by the Ukrainian people, Russian troops were deployed to Crimea, a referendum was held, and Russia annexed Crimea.
    Unsurprisingly, Ukraine has sought to join NATO and become closer to the European Union, not wanting to become a Russian satellite state again.
    Putin, a former KGB agent, despises the United States and the European Union. It is probable that his cyber warfare against the U.K. led to the Brexit mess and against the U.S., quite surprisingly, to the election of DJT as president.
    DJT, an insecure and corrupted human with few interests outside his desire to be wealthy and important, was an easy mark for Putin. DJT was withdrawing the U.S. from NATO, undermining U.S. support for Ukraine, and reducing sanctions against Russia put in place by the Obama administration.
    Putin did not have to make any overt moves while DJT was in office because DJT was doing what Putin wanted.
    So, it was not strength that DJT showed Putin but subservient personal weakness.

  22. Terra, I’m with you all the way. I’ve seen so many proven faked war videos out of Ukraine, that I don’t know what to believe…mostly I don’t trust the Ukraine, Russia or Joe Biden’s sketchy “woke” government. He seems hell bent on destroying America… Between the mainstream lying media debunking the Bioweapon Labs (I read about each and every one on a USA government website and discovered that Pelosi’s son, Fauci, Biden’s son, Obama and the Clintons made multiple millions in the Ukraine, so that sealed the deal for me.). One must research reputable sites heavily to even get close to the truth. We. Are. Being. Manipulated. BIG TIME! It’s the USA, Big Brother Tech & mainstream media’s lies that worry me.

    I quit the Zuckerberg platforms & Twitter many years ago and joined GETTR, which has no censorship and has many Conservatives and varied uncensored opinions on both sides and Conservative news stories & news sites. There is lots of common sense there…something that you rarely see anymore! It’s a huge breath of fresh air. I have 10,000 followers and really enjoy it. If you join, let me know. I’m “FMarionL” at GETTR.com Thanks for stopping by my blog! xo

    Here’s a Bible verse that comforts me:

    “Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."

  23. The reason Putin didn’t invade Ukraine when Trump was president is because he didn't have to. Trump supported Putin - Trump was trying to make NATO less effective/strong and also denied military aide to Ukraine. Of course, we all know Trump was a big supporter of Putin and the way he lead. Perhaps that’s where Trump got the idea about trying to deny Americans who they legally voted for - Biden.

  24. I find it beyond wild that anyone that's paid attention to trump praising Vlad at everyturn would think trump had any control over him. Many here have the facts, sadly many don't. Eileen in Florida gave the best true account of trumps disgraceful actions.
    Sandy's Space
