Saturday, July 24, 2021

Flowers in my garden, fun in an egg, full moon


I love the rose petals on the ground under my Julia Child rose. They seem to be dusting the ground like snow.

 I think I shared the above photo with you before; it shows how large the clematis flowers are.

When I cut into the hard boiled egg today and saw these hearts I laughed.

Above I am trying to catch the full moon one evening recently. The moon is so small in the photo and so big when I looked at it.


  1. Hi Terra~ I love Clematis, those big purple blossoms are just gorgeous! That big, Buck Moon is so beautiful, but almost impossible to take a photo of, especially with a cell phone. I did some research and found out what settings to put me camera on, and finally got a fairly decent photo of the moon...I'll post it next week. The "heart egg is very sweet...and yes, heart healthy!

  2. What a pretty post! I love your flowers and your egg is delightful!

  3. That is a large clematis flower!

  4. Wow! Your clematis is GORGEOUS!! I love the trying to catch the moon shot. Very cool! How neat to open up the egg and find a heart lol. Blessings to you, Terra1

  5. Any surprise heart is a gift I believe. That clematis is spectacular!

  6. Wonderful clematis! The flowers love you and you love them! I also love flowers very much! The egg-heart is amazing! I also would like to catch the moon. :)

  7. The flowers are gorgeous, the boiled egg with the 2 hearts - intriguing, the moon fascinating even if it looks small!

  8. What a beautiful clematis and love the colour.
    Strange about the moon, isn't it!

  9. The blooms are gorgeous. They brighten one’s day!

  10. You have such beautiful flowers Terra. The clematis is stunning. I didn't realize they are so large. I smiled at your egg photo too. One more way that God is telling you he loves you. :-)
    I hope you have a wonderful Sunday my friend.

  11. Oh, that hard-boiled egg is precious. (And now, I'm craving one. LOL)
    I, too, have had surprising -- and disappointing -- results what I try and photograph the moon. What's up with that, I wonder?

  12. I love all these pictures, Terra, especially the rose petal "snow". :) And your clematis.... my goodness. Beautiful!!! I love your egg... a little bit of "morning love". ~Andrea xoxoxo

  13. Fun to find the heart in the egg!
    The clematis is a real beauty.

  14. Your flowers are so pretty.
    I see the heart in the egg.
    The moon shot reminds me of "It's a Wonderful Life" when he is going to lasso the moon for Mary.

  15. Those flowers are beautiful.
    Cute heart in your eggs.

  16. Love the flowers...that clematis is huge!! I had no idea they got that big! And that heart in your special is that? Just another way God makes us smile every day. And I know what you mean about pictures of the full moon. My camera does not do it justice at all, so I just have to appreciate it anyway and hope others are seeing it wherever they are as well. I love that you, who I believe live in California, can see the same moon as I can here in Florida! Isn't that amazing when you think about it? Of course, you may be seeing it a few hours after I do, but it's still the same moon! Have a blessed and wonderful day.

  17. Hi Terra: I love your flowers. Thank you for stopping past my blog. Come by whenever you can.

  18. Thanks for your comment on my blog.
    I love gardens, too! Your clematis looks so vibrant.

  19. Oh your beautiful flowers!!!!!


  20. Oh how sweet your hard boiled egg is cut open into a heart. Your garden is gorgoeus and filled with such beauty. I hear thunder overhead and pray it is going to rain. We had some rain and then the heat came. I like all the weather so I hope this heat will go away. The moon looks so small. Our daughter Rebekah's friend Dan came over with his big telescope one night and we watched the moon. It was breathtaking like it was close ebough for me to tough. I was take back by it's beauty. Enjoy your weekend.

  21. The color of your clematis flower is gorgeous. It looks like Fall. Oh, a heart-shaped boiled egg, how special is that. Your roses are so pretty and blooming nicely They are similar to the color of the mini roses in my garden, but I only have one or two blooming at a time.

