Friday, April 9, 2021

Pretty Flowers


Three views of my Pride of Madeira, a small bush when planted three years ago and now as tall as I am. Hummingbirds and bees like it as much as we do.

Note above the bit of flagstone patio and trellis I had installed in my front yard. A great place to sit and read, chat with people, and people watch. Bounce sits out there with us, of course.

My Santa Rosa plum tree's blossoms on March 10 of this year. 

My orange Four O'Clock vine from February of this year, it is vigorous and covers a lot of my back fence, one plant has grown to six feet tall and 15 feet wide. It keeps its leaves all year and always has some flowers.

Here is my trellis at night with solar powered lights, a Christmas gift from Lane.

"He hath made everything beautiful in its time." Ecclesiastes 3:11

Do you have pretties in your yard, balcony, patio or neighborhood?


  1. Those are so pretty. I have daffodils coming up in the yard but it will be a long while before there is nearly so much!

  2. You have reminded me I must look for my solar lights for my arbor!!

  3. Oh how beautiful! Yes, I have many pretties too but most of them aren't showing their loveliness yet... too early. But they will. They will. ~Andrea xoxo

  4. No pretties here yet. -smile-

    We don't usually get plants in, till the end of May! Memorial Day Weekend! But we are in the NE, and the spring weather can be 'unknown'...

    Love those first, spiky flowers!!!!!!!

    Enjoy your Pretties!

  5. How beautiful!!!!
    Nothing here yet, but the grass is getting green!
    Have a cozy weekend.

  6. So pretty!! They sure have grown a lot in a few short years.

  7. What a beautiful sunny family you have wuth these coloured plants! It looks like warm sunny weather in your region.

  8. The Great Freeze of 2021 wiped us out this year...something close to 40 different plants had to be pulled up, many of them having been in the yard beds for 15-20 years, so we are kind of starting over. Only about 40% of what we had before the freeze survived. It's a shame home insurance doesn't cover this kind of thing. LOL

  9. Someone else posted pictures of Pride of Madeira this week. It's so beautiful but I doubt it would thrive here on the west coast of B.C.. Probably drown or freeze over winter.
    Having an area outside to sit and watch the world go by is what summer is all about!!

  10. Such a gorgeous place to lose oneself in nature.

  11. Your flowers are beautiful! I especially like the Pride of Madiera.

  12. Beautiful. I would love a covered porch or deck so I could sit out and kick back.

  13. Lovely flowers. I have a small balcony where there are few plants in pots. One of them has bloomed. I don't know how to put the photo here in the comments section. May be one day -- after I am done with A to Z Challenge -- I will post it.

  14. It all looks so beautiful, no pretties here as yet.

  15. How pretty! We are seeing more and more wildflowers when we hike and our knock out roses are blooming like crazy! I love lavender colored flowers!

  16. Looks lovely. Too cold here yet. My balcony is also very muxh exposed to the weather all year round, usually either too cold or too hot...

  17. Oh my goodness Terra, your have me wanting the pride of madeira. I did a quick google search and it said it would grow in zone 10-11, in poor soil. Did you buy a plant or seeds? I have lots in bloom down here in s.e. FL, the scents wafting in the breezes is wonderful. Happy Spring ~ FlowerLady

  18. Wow~ what a colorful haven you have! We are just on the edge of spring. My lilacs are in bud but we have to be patient for the stunning blooms like you show. Until ours open, will just indulge in your beautiful pictures.

  19. A wedding bouquet arrangement of purple, white and orange flowers is usually stunning.
    These three colors in your garden inspire lovely ideas!

  20. Hi Terra - it all looks delightful ... especially if there's an added bonus of a little sheltered area in the sun. It's wonderful seeing plants from around the world - enjoy your Spring garden - Hilary

  21. Nope. pretties. I live in a condo so the landscaping while green and well maintained is pretty boring. I enjoyed yours however.

  22. Looking so peaceful and so good for the soul. <3

  23. You have such beautiful exotic flowers and to learn you have hummingbirds too- what a delight!

  24. it was such a pleasure to see your frontyard garden blooms dear Terra :)

    each plant reveals your deep love and care for gardening strongly ,here hubby helps me to garden ,our extreme hot summers don't let seasonal flowers last for long

    i admire your kind visit and words on my place
    yes learning is my first second passion after family care ,how great you are reading about Winston Churchill and his family ,i love reading but finding time for this is hard so i choose listening audio books
    wishing you more peace ,happiness and healthy friend!

  25. AHHHH . . . so beautiful! I had to smile when I read your description of your 4 O'Clock vine . . . I have them here too but they don't last through the winter of course. Mine do come back year after year and they are quite prolific! In fact, I started out with bright pink and bright yellow plants . . . and somewhere along the line, they "co-mingled" and now I have some with VARIAGATED flowers of pink AND yellow! They are stunning!

  26. What a lovely garden and your solar lights are gorgeous too!

  27. Completely charming! I especially love the solar lights. xoxo

  28. Your madeiran flowers are so interesting. They are like the echium that grows on our island, I guess they are the same family, do they have a three year cycle?
    Hugs x.
