Friday, January 1, 2021

Two Fun Things and Happy 2021


My friend, Diane, of Diane Wants To Write completely surprised me with the cutest portrait of me that she commissioned. I wish I was this cute! It does capture me, and I love that she included my blog's name as a framed wall print.

 This is the famous Mr. Bounce in his new Christmas coat. Does he look like a lamb or a bear? In any case, he is a Dear. Let's all look to a blessed New Year of 2021.


  1. Hi Terra - how wonderfully kind ... a lovely way to start 2021 ... and seeing Mr Bounce ... take care - Hilary

  2. That portrait is fabulous. Love it.. What a sweet gift.
    That coat is pretty cute. I think it looks like a bear.
    Happy New Year

  3. He still looks like a dog - but one in need of a New Year cuddle so give him an extra one from me. Happy New Year.

  4. Your dog looks like he's masquerading as a lamb! Cute!

  5. Happy New Year to you and Mr. Bounce. Let this year be better than the last!

  6. Great gift. A portrait that captures you AND is flattering. You are blessed.

  7. Bounce looks so cute, as a bear or a lamb. Happy New year. I do wish I could paint like this...

  8. Happy New Year, Terra. I love your portrait with the name of your blog on the wall.

  9. Mr. Bounce does not look as if he is a fan of the coat. He does look very cuddly though.

  10. What an incredibly thoughtful gift your friend chose. Bounce looks adorable! Happy New Year!

  11. Very cute! Happy New Year, Terra!

  12. Happy New Year! That is such a cute drawing! That was certainly a thoughtful gift.

  13. Bounce looks like a sweet cuddle lamb. :-) And what a fantastic gift from your friend. She obviously knows you and cares very much for you.
    Happy 2021! My the Lord bless us all this year.

  14. *hahahaha* Mr. Bounce... now who couldn't be prompted to kiss the top of that precious head!!! Adorable!! Happy New Year to you too! ~Andrea xoxo

  15. Happy New Year. I love the portrait of you. What a lovely gift.

  16. Very cute. I think I saw these on fb. Happy New Year, friend.

  17. I love the portrait! Such a sweet gift.
    I think Mr Bounce is a lamb.

  18. This is such a sweet portrait with HPOE LOVE FAITH! This is Terra exact!!

    You have very nice friends!

    How cute the dog in this Christmas-coat! He is really a bear!

    Happy healthy new year, dear Terra and BLESSINGS BLESSINGS BLESSINGS!

  19. How pefectly PERFECT for you!
    I really enjoyed reading your Christmas book of Firsts this Christmas season!

  20. Love the portrait...stay safe in 2021. It has to end sometime.

  21. It is awesome, I love this beautiful portrait!
    Happy New Year, Terra!

  22. Happy new year Terra. Thanks for your comments on my blog. Try this link for the Queens Speech
    Joy and blessings to you all x

  23. Oh yes!! Happy New Year. Happy days with a vaccine in our future.

  24. That's a really sweet portrait. Mr. Bounce looks very cute and cuddly. Happy new year!

  25. What an awesome gift from your friend! You are darling!
    Give mr. Bounce a cuddle for me. I'm thinkin he's a bear cub.

  26. That is adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Warm Winter Wishes

  27. How wonderful to get something so special from Diane! She's a special friend to me too and I treasure the cards and notes she's sent over the years. I'm having trouble getting on her blog though. I'll have to keep trying! Happy new year!

  28. Mr. Bounce is adorable and that portrait is definitely a treasure.

  29. LOL-I think he looks like the black sheep of the family..which was always my choice when it came to picking out a spring lamb. lol. Love the 'portrait' of you! Happy 2021~ xo Diana

  30. I love the pictures on your blog.
    That portrait is beautiful and very thoughtful.
    Mr Bounce is so cute. I love the outfit.

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving
    a comment on my blog.

  31. He's a little lamb and so cute! I'm lovin' your portrait, that is a great gift. Happy New Year!

  32. I love the picture! What a great gift. And that Bounce sure is a cutie. :)

    Happy New Year, Terra!

  33. Happy New Year! Love the cute photo.
