Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Princess Fluffy and Wild Fires Near My House


My relaxed kitty, the first photo is after I took the second photo where she is closer to being asleep. In the first photo she is half awake and looking at me.
Wild Fires Near My House. Smoke and white ashes in the air. 
Added note on Sept. 4. As of September 4, there are 925 homes destroyed in the county I live in, most of them were country homes nestled in lovely spots among trees. 
I posted the two photos of Fluffy automatically yesterday, that post was set ahead of time. I did not get Internet restored to my house until late yesterday. 120 people already read this post before I was able to add this note about the wild fires. In my area of California almost 400 homes are destroyed, and several of my best friends are evacuated from their homes, and I am safe at home and not evacuated. My sons are in their homes too. The air quality sometimes is rated as hazardous so I stay inside with windows closed. Lots of white ash from the fires has fallen all over outside. I have two apps on my cell phone AirNow and AirVisual which tell the air quality for where I live. No walks these past few days for me and Bounce. 
When I drove my car I had to wash off all the ash first so I could see through the windshield. From zero percent containment of the fires they are now 29 percent contained (50 percent contained as of Sept. 4), a great direction to be going in. The fires were caused by lightning strikes all over California, in a storm with no rain, just lightning and dry tinder. It is very nerve wracking to be stuck at home, and on alert for potential evacuation. I have a suitcase packed with essentials. I am optimistic that the fires are being contained and am praying for rain, for our city to stay safe and for my friends' homes to be safe so they can return to them. Anyway, just wanted to say hi to you all, friends both near and far, and let you know what is going on here.


  1. How sweet; very pretty; we have 2/2 year old littermates now" Lucy & Ricky.

  2. What a beautiful cat! A princess for sure!

  3. Fluffy is a real princess. She has wonderful yellow tiger-eyes, they make an excellent contrast to the blue coat. I think you are best friends.

  4. I am like the kitty... gotta have my naps! It's a beautiful cat.

  5. Such a pretty colour and so fluffy.

  6. I love Princess Fluffy and what a great name for her. I miss my cats, I miss not having a cat purring on my chest, tummy or wherever. I provide water from a leak in my yard (I have a well) that I have never fixed. The puddle is big enough for coyotes, bobcats, rabbits and so on to come by and drink, but watching the birds is really the most fun. And I love birdhouses, thank you for the card. I hope your area is done with fires, but I don't know. I haven't watched the news for a few days. But I hope you are safe.

  7. Beautiful cat. I miss having a fluffy friend around!

  8. Princess Fluffy is gorgeous! I am a big cat lover and have two. Cats can be very loving pets.

  9. It's obvious that Princess Fluffy is very loved and cherished!

  10. What a sweetie, a beautiful cat.
    Take care.

  11. She is a beautiful kitty. You are very blessed to have a kitty that loves you so much.

  12. Hi Terra - she looks beautiful ... aren't they lucky ... pick their places to zizz and any time that suits them - until disturbed! Take care - Hilary

  13. Sweet photos of a precious kitty.

  14. How sweet and what good comfort! Enjoy your day sweet friend!

  15. I adore photos of cats that are sleeping or on the way. Princess Fluffy looks divine!

  16. Those fires are so frightening! Please stay safe! Princess Fluffy is beautiful!

  17. She is so pretty! - Praying that you and yours will continue to be safe from the fires, and that they will soon be controlled. ~ Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  18. Wow, I am just seeing your post, and am thankful you are safe for now. Praying for your friends and those closer to the fires. I can imagine how nerve-wracking that must be, and frightening too. May God protect you and your home and family and friends. Your Princess Fluffy is beautiful.
    God bless you and keep you safe.

  19. Stay Safe! Prayers!
    I don't know how you find the strength not to leave.
    If I have to pack a bag, then I'm out the door. I know there are situations where that may not be an option, but for peace of mind it works for me.

  20. I worry so much about the fires in Cali. I'm relieved you are okay. I would not be able to handle this rationally. I'm in a huge tornado area but it's just not the same. Be safe, my friend.❤️


  21. I saw your original post but just now saw the addendum. Stay safe. I can't imagine what you are experiencing.

  22. That is an absolutely stunning cat!

    I'm so sorry to hear about the fires. The news has even made its way over here in England, and we're thinking of you x

  23. Your kitty looks so soft and fluffy.
    So awful about the fires and all the damage. Pray you are safe and able to stay in your home.

  24. Thinking of you - it all sounds very unpleasant. Say safe.

  25. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. My heart goes out to you. Take care. Kit

  26. Sweet kitty... She has no worries...

    Good thoughts going to you, with this fire terror. Do stay wise and safe.

    Many gentle hugs...

  27. Just noticed your update- Glad you are safe- please stay that way and prayers for all those not so fortunate.

  28. Dear Terra, it's good to know that you are all right. Wild fires started by lightning just astounds me. We're seeing it on the CBS nightly news. Take care.

    PS: Princess Fluffy is snoozing with so much grace. But then can any cat ever look "un" graceful! I'm wondering if you've seen on my blog that I've written three books for cat lovers: "A Cat's Life: Dulcy's Story" (she tells the story herself); "A Cat's Legacy: Dulcy's Companion Book" in which both Dulcy and I share our lives and learning; and "Gift of Nine Lives," which I consider a cat's Bible! It's the story cats probably purr to their kittens.


  29. That's terrible the scaring situation you are living in ! We are so helpless against nature ! Cats are happy, they sleep and have no worries ! I hope that this disaster will stop ! Poor people who have to leave their houses and are not sure if it's still standing once the fire stops !

  30. Oh my goodness, Terra, that is terrifying. I pray that you will remain safe x
