Tuesday, October 8, 2019

My goal is to age a bit disgracefully

I am a senior citizen and have decided it is time for me to grab more silliness. Let's face it, life is short, whether 10 days or 100 years, I have always realized our time on earth is short. Just a blip of days or years.
I mentioned my goal of aging disgracefully five years ago in a Christian writers' group here in my town. We were truthfully telling our oldest member that she is a great mentor, both for writing and for living. Someone told her that she is aging gracefully.
That is a big compliment. I then chimed in that I have a goal of aging DISgracefully. You know, liven things up a bit. Wearing my hats even when no one else wears hats. Who cares? I have a selection of hats that are covered in sequins. One is a bright lime green. When I don't wear one one of my sparkly hats to my favorite garden store my favorite clerk tells me he is disappointed. Plus my wide brimmed lavender sun hat. Oh, and one with butterflies on it. I do care less now about pleasing other people.
Some of my hats and dresses below:

Another recent change is that beginning in September I started wearing dresses. Before that I hadn't worn a dress or skirt in more than 10 years. I bought a loose flowing dress and wore it to my son's birthday lunch. My sons were suitably surprised. I bought several more and am wearing them to church and to meet friends. Now that is NOT disgraceful, I know, just a change of pace for me.
A fun find I bought for me and for my niece, a daily calendar with inspiring and irreverent quotes.
Here is a quote from the above calendar: "Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself." Eleanor Roosevelt
Another quote "As far as I am concerned, age does not exist. I know twenty-year-old girls who are older than me." Zsa Zsa Gabor
Another quote I found online is "Do a loony-goony dance 'cross the kitchen floor, Put something silly in the world that ain't been there before." Shel Silverstein
I think it is never too late or too soon to shake things up a bit. See you dancing in the kitchen.


  1. Dancing in the kitchen results in my falling flat on my face and being unable to get up!
    But agree in principle and certainly age disgracefully whenever I can.

  2. We definitely should be doing what feels right to us. I love that your hat wearing ways are noticed by the garden store clerk. Used to wear dresses and skirts all the time, until I moved to Kuwait and started teaching kindergarten. :) Now I am trying to incorporate loose fitting ones into my wardrobe. I'm all about comfort. I've chosen not to dye my hair to hide the grays and that freaks people out. The older I get, the more natural I want my life to be.

  3. That’s my goal, too! We’re definitely having some good fun!

  4. Wonderfully inspiring post - really spoke to me! I have to perk myself up since retiring...I am becoming such a mope! Thanks for the encouraging words! I needed to hear this today!

  5. The expression, “Good girls don’t make history” is a good one. Enjoy yourself, Terra, and wear your hats proudly.

  6. What a hoot! I love hats -- particularly on bad hair days! :)
    I'm going to look for that calendar. Doesn't everyone have a 'wild woman' in their lives who'd appreciate getting one for Christmas?

  7. I love it! Especially your floral dresses and fun hats. Here’s a quote I love (and try to live by 😁):

    “Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!”

    ― Hunter S. Thompson, The Proud Highway: Saga of a Desperate Southern Gentleman, 1955-1967

  8. I totally agree with you. Life is too short so why not enjoy it while you're here even if that means doing things that other people would find silly.

  9. You are so much fun! Hmmm... I haven't worn a dress since I stopped teaching. I wonder if it would be cooler. Hmmmm...

  10. This just may be my favorite post ever! I love dresses and hats! I do wear dresses but for the last year have been in jeans most of the time. I love hats but don't have the nerve to wear one. My daughter tells me, "mama, wear what you love"!! Thanks so much for the encouraging words. Every time daughters are here for a visit, they dance in the kitchen. It cracks me up. Maybe I will join them next time. Your dresses and hats are lovely!

  11. This was an inspiring post, to step out of our comfort zones and outside boxes. Thank you dear Terra ~ FlowerLady

  12. I love that you're now wearing dresses and glorious hats!! I wish you lived nearby because I'm not 'brave' enough to wear anything that attracts attention. We could wear our hats together!!

  13. Dear Terra, that's exactly where I dance--in the kitchen around the table that's in the middle of the room. I listen to songs from the 1920s, '30s, '40s, etc and just dance my heart away! Peace.

  14. That looks like a wonderful calendar! And to your post, I say "Hear, hear!" I couldnt' agree more!

  15. I'm a senior as well and my motto is "do that which makes you happy as long as no one is hurt in the process". We earned the right to be ME!

  16. Hi Terra~

    I love that you want to age gracefully!! Your hats are adorable, and it's sometimes nice to wear a dress, they can be way more comfortable than slacks, (does anyone call pants slacks anymore?). My moto...if it feels good do it!!

    Fun post!!

    Hugs and Love,

  17. Good for you! I know that everyone around you is enjoying your disgracefulness and loves you!

  18. Oh, I love this! I work in a nursing home and the ladies (and gents) who choose to age disgracefully are the most fun and have the best attitudes and seem to be the happiest. I want to age disgracefully, too!

  19. Hi Terra - we need to live ... and as we get older, we tend to brush off things that don't quite work - so enjoy ourselves, behave reasonably at times, the rest ... just live and let live. Be involved and curious ... as Barb says 'if it feels good, do it'!! Cheers Hilary

  20. I love this! I wear dresses 99% of the time just because I LOVE dresses. So much more comfortable than pants in my opnion. I'm like you, the older I get, the less I care about other people's opinions. As long as I feel I'm following God and His will for my life, all is good. :-)

  21. I am totally with you here. I used to shun sparkles but now the more bling the better! And I am trying to change my wardrobe going away from dark blues - my favourite - into brighter and looser clothes. I want to be more Frankie than Grace - on the grounds I'll never be Grace!

  22. Well that just sounds like really good advice to me! I sure would love to go in a store and try on dresses too. I haven't worn a dress in SO long! Maybe I'll hit the thrift stores and see what they have! Thanks for the inspiration! Can I borrow a hat? heehee!

  23. Terra, I do think we need to have a sleep-over where we giggle all night, run around in our pjs with one of your hats on our heads. And, come morning, go outside and scare the neighbors. What you think? I love doing things that people don't expect out of me...

  24. My 1st visit here and I love it!!

  25. Hear hear! Age is only a number and I am firmly convinced that everybody else does exactly what they want to, so why shouldn't I? It's God I answer to and not any man (although I do realize my responsibility to my family and friends, in many aspects of life) ... I wear dresses all the time and have lots of hats, and like you, I'm amazed by how much the sight of a lady wearing a hat seems to cheer some people. They're such an expression of individuality. I think I'll wear one this Sunday. As I'm fond of reminding anyone who will listen: This is not a dress rehearsal! This is it. The only life we'll ever have on this earth. xoxo

  26. I love this idea! I want to age disgracefully, too. :D

  27. Here, here :-) Wear what you want, do what you want and as long as you are not hurting anyone (or anything) then why not?

  28. I love hats, too :) and also feel I've reached the age when I no longer care much if they happen to fit the fashion or not. (But then the fashion is not really all that fixed these days...) Dresses not quite my thing though, except perhaps when very hot in the summer.

  29. I love you for this, Terra! Perhaps when we are young(er) we worry too much about what others think. Then when we reach a certain age, it's, "What the heck!" I've had my daughters sometimes say that I need to dress more age appropriately, and I say hogwash. I'm not wearing anything revealing or ill fitting--I simply love all styles, earrings, hair styles and beauty products. I'm curious, always was and will be. So as I approach sixty in a few months, I proudly believe I'm entitled to be whatever I want!

    Thanks for an insightful post!❤️


  30. Hi! I'm so happy that I found your blog. I would not call this growing old DISgracefully, but finally growing into the free spirited lady that you have always been on the inside, but maybe too afraid of other's opinions enough to not let her shine out. Truly your shining out is what will give others the courage to also let their light shine. Being truthful to our inner self, but also at the same time being true to our beliefs and not letting them waver.
    I'm delighted to have found your blog. I came here through Henny Penny.
    Your newest follower,
    Connie :)

  31. Good for you! I haven't yet decided what I want to be in my senior years, having just turned 60 last March. But you give me inspiration....though I suspect dresses won't be part of it. I haven't worn a dress in at least 5 years or more.

  32. I like your zest for life, Terra. I am about to embark on a traveling adventure- buying a small RV and taking off for places unknown. I wear dresses all the time and am not comfortable in pants at all anymore. lol In winter I wear dresses with tights..lol

    I hope you have a beautiful-disgracefully wonderful week. xo Diana

  33. Terra, I have been going through some of my old post and I found a comment by you. It was like visiting a old friend. I like you am aging disgracefully and doing it with great joy. My life continues to evolve and I learn more every day. Come over by my blog soon and leave a comment...I would like that.

    Barbara Torris

  34. I didn't start being young until I was into my 60s. The more years I get under my belt the younger I feel (mentally if not physically!) and whist I haven't started wearing purple trousers yet there's still time!

  35. Thanks for the inspiration! I think you're on to something wonderful!


  37. I absolutely love this post and agree with you whole heartedly! Let's age disgracefully, have fun and joy and get rid of the boredom dust bunnies. Your dresses are beautiful! I love to wear flowy clothes (and jeans), be it dresses, skirts or pants - this is just my style and I don't care what others think (I work in a high school and those teenagers probably think I'm completely cookoo). I need to start dancing on the kitchen floor!

  38. I love it, Terra! I quite agree! Dresses are fun! So are hats!

  39. Thanks for visiting me at Delights of the Heart.
    Enjoy learning more and sipping more each day.
    Loved your quotes at the end of this post. It is good to shake things up a bit from time to time.

  40. I'M WITH YOU 100% I have cut my hair short and funky ~ my sunglasses are big and some bling! I have lost weight, so instead of big dresses and skirts...I have been seen in leggins....Yikes....I guess that is DISgraceful!!! But life is short, and with my dearest being so sick during the past year...we see how time is short. Don will be 82 in December, and I'll turn 79 in May!!! It's really a wonderful life if you have Christ...and look at it with a smile and a funky hat for hairdo. HaHa

  41. You go , girl! I love wearing dresses... I think they are way more comfy that jeans.
