Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Cat, dog, yellow roses and more

Here are some recent photos I took of things I like.
Fluffy resting in sun near patio doors. She shows up nicely on her red blanket.
Bounce in living room on sofa with pillow that says "The day that God created Chihuahuas He sat down and smiled." We think Bounce is half Chihuahua, and part Rat Terrier and part Corgi.
I always admire this lichen on a rock in a neighbor's front yard.
I didn't go any closer because I didn't want to step on their property.
This bouquet is fabulous and my younger son gave it to me for Mothers' Day.
I picked these roses from my yellow rose bush, so pretty.
Often for joy I find it is good to look at smaller things and nearby things since the big picture and the world situation can be so daunting.


  1. Oh, these are fun! Like you...I like the everyday stuff...little stuff that makes us happy without a lot of fuss or fanfare. If you wait for the big stuff, you will be waiting a long time.

    I like this post today!

  2. Little Bounce is adorable and love the pretty Roses from your son.
    Have a great week.

  3. Great photographs. You have captured the colour and texture very well.

  4. All photographs to gladden the heart. Thank you.

  5. I do so love all your pretty things - from cats to flowers to everything!

  6. I like the things you like! Your cat and dog both look so comfortable. Beautiful flowers you received. L

  7. Joy can always be found in little things.

  8. Great photos. Just looked up Rat Terriers. They sound like every home or smallholding needs one. My Jack Russell Terrier went to doggy Heaven last year. What a ratter, character and friend. Lovely post.

  9. Those roses are amazing! Fluffy and Bounce look like they're living the good life.

  10. I so agree with your last statement: the smaller things and the things right around you ... are the best!

  11. I enjoyed all of your pictures! Isn't it something how lichen can look so pretty? Of course Roses are always beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Love your critters and your yellow roses.

    Love you too ~ FlowerLady

  13. Always good to see a post from you, Terra. The flowers from your son are beautiful--he's so thoughtful! What a pretty kitty, and Bounce? I see a lot of corgi in him. The Queen's favorite pup! :-D

    Jane x

  14. I love Fluffy and Bounce. How wondeful to remember to always look to the everyday for beauty. I need to remember that more often.

  15. The yellow roses from your garden look wonderful in the blue vase.

  16. Your post is so joyful and uplifting. I get a lot of joy out of spying birds and wildflowers out my back window. Have a blessed day.

  17. Bounce is adorable and do agree with the saying about Chihuahuas. Impressed your Mother's day bouquet is still looking so good.

  18. I am just like you, I don't step on others yards unless I ask first. love the cat/dog in sunshine. so sweet. sorry to hear you are in recovery mode but glad you can get out. beautiful photos. I love the name Bounce.. my son has a chihuahua and had a corgi. they made chicorgis and they kept all five of them... precious pups they are

  19. The yellow roses your son gave you are very nice, and they look beautiful in that blue vase - a nice combination. Your neighbor's red roses are so pretty too. Bounce looks content laying there. It's getting warmer here in California, and not looking forward to the Summer heat.

    Have a restful weekend, Terra.


  20. Oh, I NEEDED an uplifting post on this grumpy (for me) day. Lovely photos!

  21. Your Mother's Day bouquet is the prettiest one I've seen. Bounce reminds me of our Weetie. She was abandoned, we found her and kept her. The vet thinks she is part chihuahua and part Jack Russell terrier. We sure love her. I need a yellow rose like yours! It is beautiful! You are so right about enjoying the small things these days.

  22. Your animals are beautiful and so are your flowers! Thanks for coming by my place, too!

  23. Oh, I so agree with your last statement. It is good to focus on the smaller things around us and not get lost in the overwhelmingness of the bigger picture. But thankfully, God is in the small things as well as in the big things. He never leaves us nor forsakes us. I love your pictures, and the roses /flowers are all so very lovely. I also love that blue vase. I have a similar one, and it is a favorite of mine as well. Your cat and dog both look very content. That is happiness.

  24. Oh Sandra, Chicorgis, I love that. I would like to see a photo of your family's Chicorgis, half Corgi and half Chihuahua.

  25. I always take the time to stop and smell any flowers that I come upon.

  26. I agree with your last comment.....just focus on the small simple things in life and try to ignore the idiocy that surrounds us.

  27. Thank you for sharing your peaceful, joyful moments. I’m attracted equally by both the gorgeous rose bouquet and the simpler arrangement of the yellow roses, but perhaps the former more due to the love from your younger son.


  28. Your yellow roses and the bouquet from your son are lovely.

  29. "Often for joy I find it is good to look at smaller things and nearby things since the big picture and the world situation can be so daunting."

    My thoughts exactly.

  30. Сколько же красивых цветов! Я сама испытываю слабость ко всему, что может цвести )))

  31. Lovely indeed and thank you for visiting.

  32. It's always wonderful to see the fur babies and of course he flowers are beautiful. For some reason every time I try to reply to your comments on my blog through email it returns it and say unable to deliver. So I thank you for your comments :)

  33. What pretty yellow roses. They are such pretty, happy flowers.

  34. Our pets are such a part of our lives, aren't they? Our little Molly, going on 15 is losing her sight. She is afraid to go down the stairs for her I carry her. Thank goodness she only weighs 12 lbs. Once we are down the stairs, she knows her way around the complex. Nice to be back since my dearest has turned the corner and is now in full recovery. Yeah. Praise the LORD.

  35. Fluffy looks so comfy against her red blanket. She also looks like she is thinking "why are you pointing that thing at me again?". Beautiful roses.

  36. I love Bounce. I would like a dog like accompany on my walks where I meet odd people :)

  37. Your Mother's Day flowers are gorgeous. I have 5 rescue cats and 1 rescue dog, who is rat terrier/Chihuahua mix. Bounce and Fluffy's photos are precious. I adore dogs/cats so much. Your yellow roses are so very pretty.

  38. Oh my goodness your fur babies are both so sweet. Bounce is an interesting mix but I can see it all in his face. Cuteness and such loyal companions. Your Mother's Day flowers were simply gorgeous. Your blog is always so lovely. I Am happy I stopped by. Enjoy the rest of your week.
