Monday, June 18, 2018

Poem for Anthony Bourdain and others who died by suicide

I felt sad when I read that Kate Spade died of suicide and then that Anthony Bourdain also died of suicide.
In Bourdain's last blog post, in 2016, in remembrance of the poet Jim Harrison, Bourdain posted this poem written by Harrison.
The moon comes up.
The moon goes down.
This is to inform you that I didn't die young.
Age swept past me but I caught up.
Spring has begun here and each day
brings new birds up from Mexico.
Yesterday I got a call from the outside
world but I said no in thunder.
I was a dog on a short chain
and now there's no chain.

That last sentence really speaks to me and breaks my heart.
Please if you are in trouble, call 911 or a similar number in other countries, for help.
Someone I know did call 911 and the police came to her door, took her to treatment for 72 hours, and she is alive and well, several years later. Someone else I know and loved did not call for help and is gone, so this idea of loss by suicide is close to my heart. I will always wonder and be sad that they did not seek professional help or ask for my help.
This is the photo of the sky near my house that I came up with for this post:


  1. A perfect poem...As someone who is extremely depressed, I feel great empathy for those who also suffer from this insidious condition. I'm unable to take most of the meds on the market and the one new medication that helped me is not covered by my insurance company and costs over $300 per month which I can never afford, so I suffer, pray, cry and fight daily for my own life. It's a horrible way to live... A beautiful tribute to Mr. Bourdain. xo

  2. Thank you for caring. There is so much hopelessness that people are feeling in the world 4ight now. There is ALWAYS hope though. I pray that someone will offer it to these souls when they are feeling at their lowest.

  3. Isn't it sad to see and hear of so many people struggling these days. I think this world has got us all stressed out, and not everyone can handle it.

    Hey...I was thinking of you recently. A good blogging friend lost her husband you know Ann of Snap Edit Scrap? I didn't know if you were her blogging friend or not. Either way, she is just so overwhelmed....thought it might be helpful if you had any pearls of wisdom or comfort or hope that I could send her. I know you had some good resources.

  4. So true.....

    Seek help, then....

    When things get too bad, to go on...

    When you feel, that things have gotten so bad, that you can not go on....

  5. I really is the saddest thing to hear. We always wish we could have helped some way. But hopefully these recent deaths will alert people to the dangers and hopefully more people will seek help....we can only hope! Beautiful photo my friend!

  6. It's so sad! I've heard it said that it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
    I love the photo!

  7. Lin who left a comment here; I can not subscribe to your new blog and the link to your email doesn't work; please contact me here with that info. Or if anyone knows Lin's email please let me know it so I can follow her new blog. Thanks pals.

  8. thank you Terra,,

  9. It was shocking and sad to read about these deaths, especially Anthony Bourdain. I always fear, though, that the publicity about these tragedies will bring about more. Depression seems so rampant today and strikes people of all ages and social classes. Seemingly, having it all does not make one immune when it comes to mental instability.

  10. Hi Terra...send me an email at :

  11. I think I must live under a rock because I did not know Bourdain... But --my eldest son called me after Bourdain's death and he was so upset. He said that he had followed Anthony all through the years.... Such a LOSS.

    When one of my son's wives killed herself a year ago (she was Bipolar and struggled with the ups and downs), I became more aware about mental issues... We just don't know what is going on in someone's life/heart... As a country, we need to be more aware when it comes to people with depression or who are suicidal.... Most of the times, we ignore WAY too much...


  12. I miss Robin Williams so much. I feel so bad for folks struggling with this condition.

  13. That last sentence in the poem really does grab you. I can not imagine feeling so lost in life that you would choose to end it.
    Thank you so much for the visit to my blog.

  14. I did not know any of these names (but found them in Wikipedia), but suicide is always sad and even more than other causes of death it often leaves so many people wondering "why". I have only once been to a funeral for someone who took their own life, it was someone I had known just a little bit in the past and had not seen in many years; but I went with a couple of other mutual old friends to the memorial service. I think this person would probably have been surprised how many people turned up in church. Even when one feels "all alone" there are probably more people than one thinks who do care weather one lives or dies :.

  15. We feel happy when we see someone helps us in emergency. There are only few people think to help others...

  16. This is a special post you have shared, Terra, to help those when they need it the most. I am saddened to hear when this happens. My heart goes out to people who are suffering in this way. I remember watching Anthony Bourdain's shows, and they were interesting and I enjoyed them.

    love, ~Sheri

  17. What a wonderful and heartfelt post. You said how I'm feeling. I just wish people that are that in emotional pain would just reach out to family and friends. I know Anthony B. loved his 11 year old daughter and I simply cannot imagine how bad off he was to do what he did and hurt his daughter so profoundly. ((hugs)), Teresa

  18. It is sad when folk get beyond finding help amongst their friends and loved ones - and almost always they are there waiting to help in any way they can.

  19. Very sad. I am always saddened by people who have no hope.
