Sunday, May 27, 2018

Decades Ago, Horses, Camping, Bedouin Camel Races

My sister and I riding horses, in 1955 or thereabouts. I adored horses, didn't most young girls? When I rode at the local riding stable the guide there was a young guy named Shorty, who rode his own horse. I was shocked to learn one day that Shorty sold his horse and bought a motorcycle. Things change.
My mom and dad loading up the family car for our annual camping trip. I love that family car, quite classy. My sister and I grew close to nature on those trips.
I saw camel races by Bedouins outside of Jericho, Jordan, during Easter week in 1966. I was attending college that year in Istanbul and my friend Carol and I traveled to Jerusalem, Jericho. Petra and Beirut at Easter.


  1. Maybe we'd have loved camels if we had grown up in the mideast. I had a quarter horse. All I cared about were horses and swimming. Those were the days.

  2. Love horses... Never had the opportunity to get near them... So my love, is mixed with "fear." To this day.

    Oh the old car! Husband loves old cars. I showed the blown-up pic to him. He thinks maybe it is a Chevy. :-)

    Wow, you attended college for a year, in Istanbul. What a world traveler you were.

  3. Those are the best kind of memories, adventure and bravery!

  4. Wow, what wonderful memories you've shared here! I especially love the photo of your parents loading the family car for a camping trip. Look how young they were! And the car is a classic.

    Hope you're doing well, dear Terra!

  5. "Happy Trails to you, until we meet again"...that old Roy Rogers and Dale Evans song just popped into my head as I read your post. That Dodge car was a blast from the past. My Aunt Marion had that exact same car I do least it sure made me think of her when I saw this picture. I love that your family enjoyed camping. So did mine. Every summer we'd load up our car with camping equipment, tents, air mattresses, coleman stove, and off we would go into the Smokey Mountains on our way north to Ohio to visit our grandparents. My father would take us a different route through the mountains every year and we would camp at the many different state/national park campgrounds. Such happy memories, even if our air mattresses did go flat in the middle of the night! LOL. Thank you for these happy memory triggers you shared.

  6. What marvelous memories you have! I would love to hear more!!

  7. Wow- you've had some fun times. I love that you saw camel races!

  8. Old photographs tell wonderful stories!

  9. you have had some amazing experiences!!!!! I love to see your photos!!

  10. What great photos! Thank you for sharing. :D

  11. "I saw camel races by Bedouins outside of Jericho, Jordan, during Easter week in 1966. I was attending college that year in Istanbul and my friend Carol and I traveled to Jerusalem, Jericho. Petra and Beirut at Easter."

    How cool! What a wonderful opportunity.

  12. Three great photos! I enjoyed reading this too. Thank you Terra!

  13. Well aint that just like a man to sell his horse for a motorcycle! Haha.
    I never owned a horse when I was younger but I had friends with horses and love to ride them after school.

  14. Great pictures! I've been to Jerusalem, Jericho and Petra, but never made it to Beirut. I like to visit archaeological sites and Petra may be number one on my list.

  15. Terra, thank you for visiting and leaving a comment on my blog. Glad it led me to your blog. I will enjoy visiting and keeping up. In fact, this post about horses reminded me so much of a post about us (my dad, brother, sister, and me) riding horses, and how my horse ran away. This was in the 1950's too. I never rode another horse. I think horses are beautiful and I love them, but scared to death of them. This is one fear I would love to overcome. I want a horse!

  16. I really enjoyed your post today. some great old photos depicting great memories. Have a wonderful weekend.
