Friday, April 13, 2018

This Is Your Life, Harriet Chance, book I enjoyed

I found this book by serendipity recently and was very pleased to read it. I love books with senior citizen main characters, in this one Harriet is seventy eight.
Here is my review:

Harriet Chance is a lady I cared about; 78 years old, recent widow, difficult relationships with her son and daughter, and a rather brave gal. There is plenty of humor in this book, and Harriet faces difficult times after the death of her husband a year earlier. She did not have an easy life, starting when she was a baby. The novel moves between Harriet at different ages in an easy to follow way. Will Harriet go on the cruise, deal with some shocking and unpleasant news about her husband, smooth out her rocky relationships with her adult children, be able to keep her home? And what about her dead husband who keeps reappearing and chats with her? I recommend this book with its light hearted yet serious look at aging and its main character, Harriet.
Today it is only $1.20 on Amazon for the Kindle and $9.00 for the paperback. Be alerted that though there is humor here, there are dark things happening. Not everything gets resolved in a pretty happy ending. I don't want to give away any plot turns or the ending so will say no more.
Evison also wrote "The Revised Fundamentals of Caregiving" which is now a movie "The Fundamentals of Caring." Again, many dark things in that book and movie but I aim to read the Caregiving book and see the movie.Update: on April 17 Evison's "The Revised Fundamentals of Caregiving" was $1.20 as a Kindle, so I bought it.


  1. I'm heading to Amazon to buy this book for my Kindle! Thanks for the review!

  2. great review! thank you! i hadn't heard of this book before.

  3. Thank you for the suggestion! I had just purchased something on Amazon and had just about $2 left on a gift card so I went back and purchased this. I'm glad for the recommendation!

  4. Thank you for the suggestion, Terra. I'll check it out! ♥

  5. You don't hear about this kind of book often! Thanks for the review. I will look for the book, too!

  6. This book sounds delightful!

  7. What a great review, Terra. Thanks. I will relate to Harriet having recently lost my husband and experiencing similar problems you mention. I also love the idea of an older protagonist so I'm heading over to Amazon now to buy this book for my Kindle. Have a great day. Jo

  8. Thanks for the lead. I just got it on Amazon.

  9. Thanks. I always appreciate a book recommendation and this sounds interesting and entertaining. I especially am drawn to the fact that it is about an older character!

  10. Thanks, Terra. I'm always looking for something interesting to read. I will check this book out also.

  11. I'm going to check that out,!!! Thanks!

  12. Sounds like a good read. It's hard to find books with seniors as the main characters. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a wonderful, wonderful week. :)

  13. Just downloaded the book to my Kindle. Thanks!

  14. thanks for the recommendation. Cheers from Carole's Chatter
