Thursday, January 11, 2018

My word is Rest

I had no ambition or desire to choose a word for the year, but recently, reading about a blog friend's choice of her word "kindness", I suddenly felt "rest" is my word for 2018.
After a difficult year in 2017 and a broken heart in 2016 in which I focused on survival, I hope this year will be one in which I rest, love and rebuild.
Also, today I am rather sick and have been resting and fell asleep for an hour at 1:30 in the afternoon, so Rest seems needed and healing.
My aim is not a lazy rest, ha ha, but one to build strength so I can find joy again, and be a support to my sons who are a mighty source of support for me, and to also find the power to help my friends and friends I've yet to meet. And lots of other activities including my hope I may write again, a new book or find a publisher for two that need a publisher home. Rest will remind me that I want to slow down at times. One recent Sunday our minister said that Hurry is a stealer of Peace, and I think Rest will allow space for Peace.
So hello to Rest.
If you have chosen a word or theme for 2018 let me know in a comment. Everyone's choice seems to suit them perfectly. If you aim to enter the year free style without choosing a word I understand and cheer you on too.


  1. That's a great word. Take care of yourself. ((Hugs))

  2. I love your word choice Terra. Rest is so much needed these days and many don't realize just how important it is. As a pretty fresh widow, rest is important. Our lives have changed drastically and we need peace and a renewed zest for living and rest can help with that. I pray that you will have 'sweet rest' this year and that others will feel the comfort you can give them, as you have been given by your heavenly Father.

    My word for this year is 'sufficiency', trusting in the sufficiency of God to take care of me in all areas of my life.

    Love, hugs & prayers for you dear heart ~ FlowerLady

  3. Ah, I think that is a wonderful word for 2018! Rest your body, mind and spirit. You have been through a lot of changes and I hope that all settles this year. It takes time, so be gentle on yourself.

    I don't have a word per se, but I am working on inner peace since last year.

  4. I final settled on the word SPACE. I need to allow space for others' emotion as well as my own. I love breathing space or white space on my calendar, space for possibility & regeneration. Natural outdoor spaces energize me physically, spiritually & mentally.
    S - spirit
    P - pace
    A - active
    C - cope
    E - energy
    Your word is multidimensional. It can be a noun or a verb.

  5. My word has to be 'healing' - getting over the death of my beloved farmer and learning to live without him.

  6. what a lovely post, very thought provoking.
    You're so right about rest. In this fast world where we are led to believe that we should be doing a dozen things at once we must remember to rest.
    I often feel guilty if I sit doing nothing thinking that I am wasting my life but I must, like you remember to rest and do nothing when I feel like I need it.

  7. Hi Terra - sounds ideal ... a time to adjust peacefully, in the time frame you feel the need - just enjoy being ... and here's to an easier 2018 - cheers Hilary

  8. Rest is a good word, especially as you have defined it for yourself. I guess my work (and word) is healing because that is what pops into my mind when I think about it.

  9. No theme for me but I hope and pray that you do, indeed, rest this year!

  10. Great word for you this year! I chose FINISH as I have a tendency to fly around helter skelter and never finish projects. My word is definitely a verb! Rest up for who know's what your future will bring!

  11. Hello, Rest. It's a wonderful word -- I find rest healing, strengthening. Think about when you have had little for whatever reason, even good ones. And then you get a day or two or three of time where you can sleep and recharge. I don't thin you could have chosen better.

  12. This is such a lovely post, Terra. Rest is healing and so many of us need to be healed. The first word that comes to mind for me is “cope”.

  13. Rest.....I think this is a great word. I honestly think that many of us need to think about this word REST. I need more of it myself. Not because I'm tired, but because I need to rest and restore mental strength.

  14. Lots of words for 2018: hope, enthusiasm, organization, energizing....I could go on.

  15. I don't have a word for the year, but I always enjoy reading from those who do. I think rest is the perfect word for you this year.

  16. Rest is a good word and a good place to be. Sometimes we just need to slow down and take care of ourselves. Hope you feel better. My word this year is MORE. I want to be more to God and everyone. Do more good, help more, understand more, listen more and on and on...

  17. I have not been able to "find" a word for this year. I really like yours, Terra. Rest. Rest in the Lord. Rest in His Arms. A good word. Thank you for this post. blessings ~ tanna

  18. Rest is a beautiful word, and such generosity there too, with self and others.

  19. Rest sounds perfect! Last year my word was providence and I recognized a lot of His providence in my life. I guess my word is opposite of yours this year....I am going with productivity. I have beennin a slump for a couple years, so I am going to push myself a little more this year! Happy New Year!

  20. Terra, I hadn't picked a word as yet but after reading your post I think I need to. Rest is so good!! Our pastor had a phenomenal sermon Sunday on what to stop doing that is not good for us. I think my word will be "accept", no more living with past mistakes, stop fearing change and believe I have a purpose. Thanks for sharing.

  21. I love your word REST. That was actually my word for last year, and it proved to be a blessing to me in so many ways. God helped me to learn to rest in Him, and spend more time alone with Him, listening to what He was trying to say to me, rather than me expecting Him to listen to me! A very beneficial word, Rest. This year my word is RENEW, or RENEWAL. I believe that since I have "rested" last year, this will be the year to be renewed by Christ day by day. And so far, I am seeing God's hand in many things that I believe will bring about that renewal. I will be praying for you as you seek that "REST" that only God can give...deep, abiding rest in Him, that brings peace and strength. Just take time to be alone with God and let Him do the talking, while you REST. Blessings to you today dear friend. Don't try to DO...just REST...and "leave the driving" to God.

  22. Sounds like a good word for the year.
    No, I don't have a year word.

  23. Rest. That sounds like a perfectly wonderful word choice. I hope you enjoy many blessings this year with that word/goal in mind.


  24. I don't do this myself, but I think that's a lovely focal point for you in light of all you've been through.

  25. "Rest" is a wonderful word for the new year, Terra. I think if you rest, you will feel refreshed and renewed. I'm taking a little blog break, so that will give me a chance to rest too. The girls will post when they can. I'm one of those that don't have a word for the new year, and will just do the best I can each day. I hope you feel better. I was sick a couple months ago, and the cough lingered on for sooooo long. Take care and bundle up in these cold winter months.

    love, ~Sheri

  26. Rest is a good word. I think we can all use that.
    My word is change. People need to change their wrong thinking and turn back to God and his forgiveness and unconditional love. xxx

  27. Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog.

    But oh my! My header pic is not of me! The link to where I found it, is under the Header. I do love the photo. Perfect for this time of year. But it is not of me. :-)

    I am a Nana, an Elder Woman... :-)

    But thank you for appreciating, this Header!

  28. And I am happy to read, that you too, do not reply to comments, in your own blog.

    But that we both, go to our commenter's blogs, and read/comment there. :-)

  29. Myself, I have not chosen a word, or made New Year's Resolutions. Many people are choosing a word. And I am happy that you have found one.

    Ahhh yes, rest! So important. But the world does not "want" us to rest. The world wants us to go-go-go. Which is silly. everything in nature, has a rest time. It only makes sense.

    I try to use this time of deep winter, for almost hibernation. More quiet... Appreciating the coziness of home... Contemplating inside myself... Finding things, I need to let go of... And things I need to make more of, in my life.

    Deep Winter can be dark and long, in the upper NE. I like to find something to enjoy, about every season. So this is my inner time... Almost like hibernation. :-)

  30. Rest. An excellent word. I did not pick a word this year. I could think of several. But this year I am just going to focus on getting my strength back. Happy new year to you.
