Friday, July 7, 2017

The World Is Still a Beautiful Place

"Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place.​​​​​​​" Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
My dog Bounce wearing his new Hawaiian shirt at our family July 4 celebration which was at my house on July 2. The shirt is a gift from Julie and her two dogs. Four people and three dogs and one cat gathered together. You see, the world IS still a beautiful place. 
Ha ha, a couple days after I posted the photo, I cropped it and added it above.


  1. Yes, it is, Terra. Sometimes we have to look, but it usually is within a hands reach. We should never give up hope and always find a reason to laugh and days will always be brighter.

  2. Sometimes it's difficult to remember this...but it's so true. You are very brave my friend. Hugs, Diane

  3. I may steal your wonderful quote and write it in my book, good one, thankyou

  4. Cute Dog. The World is till a beautiful place and I know I'm lucky to live where I do.

  5. This picture just makes me smile! God is so good...and it is good to hear the smile in your "voice" about this time together. (((HUGS)))

  6. A beautiful quote for our beautiful world. Thanks for sharing it and thanks for visiting us here in the canyon.

  7. Our world IS a beautiful place, indeed!!

  8. I am happy to hear that from you Terra. He looks smart in his new shirt.

  9. Oh, Bounce is very well turned out for the party! Adorable. :)

  10. Bounce..what a sweet name. Love his shirt.

    Your celebration sounds like it was fun! And now...happy days because next May we will be crying for it

    Jane x

  11. Love the shirt on the pup! We just had our immediate family (the 5 of us) here for the holiday, and the 4 dogs. Unfortunately, one dog, our biggest boy, is terrified of fireworks and thunderstorms. That's made it a bit stressful this past week, with both fireworks and major storms in the area.

  12. Bounce looks adorable in his new shirt! I love it!

  13. He looks so proud in his beautiful new shirt.

  14. Some days this is easier said than done. I will definitely keep it in mind though. I like the sentiment. :)

  15. He is so handsome!Thank you for sharing this special moment

  16. Beautiful words! Love the shirt on Bounce.

  17. I love that quote and the shirt is so cute!

  18. The world is indeed a beautiful place. And most of the people who live in it are too.

  19. My what a pretty shirt! Bounce is good name for such a cutie!

  20. So cute!!!
    Love that quote - it's powerful and true!

  21. Such lovely photo's you've shared.
    I do like the quote by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

    All the best Jan

  22. I will settle for that, Terra!! God gave us the ability to enjoy the smaller things and Ignatius tells us in his teachings to add every ray of light that comes our way, to the daily life. That dog really was a blessing, I keep saying it!! Little fine boy! What a lovely quote too, I am no good with poems and quotes, I often use the Scripture for quotes but you need quotes from people who actually enjoy and interpret what God gives. The world is still a beautiful place, amen to that!

  23. Great quote.....finally catching up as I catch my breath here in Lancaster PA while attending a conference with my husband. Traveling from "there" to "here", I agree -- the world IS a beautiful place ♥

  24. This is a wonderful post! I should have read this before I made my recent 'feeling sorry for myself ' post!!

  25. Terra, I have this same quote in a book tucked away and waiting to use at just the right time. Thank you for reminding me of it. I think it was time to read it again. Bounce is so cute.

