Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Patio pix of watchdog on duty, flowers

Above are two scenes showing my watchdog at work on the patio while he sits / naps on the chaise longue. He is a cutie. Do you think he is extremely fierce? LOL, well no. He is a love dog.
The first Star Gazer Lily blooms from my new bulbs in July 2017. In the first photo you see to the left of Bounce the leaves of the lily before blooms.
Another photo of my Star Gazer Oriental Lily blooms. You can see they grow well in pots; you can grow them on a small balcony or in a small yard. My yard is large but the lilies enjoy the well drained soil in their pots which also keep them safe from nibbles by gophers.
Above is a closeup of my Cantua flowers which grow on a shrub and are two inches long. My friend from Chile told me about these beauties and we ordered some together. They are the national flower of Chile and can grow up to a second story, where she told me they grew outside her bedroom window there. I later bought a more rare yellow Cantua which never did bloom for me.
My patio is a place that gives me moments of peace in this time of grief for the loss of my husband. I enjoy sitting out there facing the garden, reading a book and drinking ice tea with ice cubes and no sugar in it. My dog and cat nap nearby and birds flit around, bathing in the bird bath and eating seeds I put out for them, up high where they are safe from cats. I think everyone benefits from a personal place of sanctuary and I hope you have one too.


  1. He holds that lounge cushion down like a pro. No one's going to steal it while he's on duty.

  2. A lovely place, you have made it beautiful.

  3. Dear Confused, you are so funny. Yes, he is protecting that cushion like a pro.

  4. That's how I would like to spend my time outside! Love the flowers.

  5. Your patio is lovely with the added attraction of the sweet sleeping pup.

  6. What a lovely yard....and what a sleeping cute watch dog. HaHa.

  7. Loving the Cantua Flowers they are beautiful.

  8. He is adorable, what a guard dog!

  9. Beautiful flowers and I'm glad to see that your dog has it all under control.

  10. Doggie bliss, Terra. Do you find it hard to read out there? I can't seem to concentrate outside.

  11. Your sanctuary is beautiful and I'm so glad you have a peaceful place to go for comfort. Bounce looks like the king of the castle! :)

    Lovely stargazer lilies, too!

  12. Oh, Bounce, what a lucky dog! So wonderful that the two of you found each other.

  13. You are such a lovely and honest person, Terra. I feel for you and your loss, yet I also feel inspired that I, too, can make it on my own should I have to. And do it with that load of grief...I think you are fanatic. This is a perfect sanctuary. I know we gardeners find these places here and there...it's a gift that nature blesses us with.

    Jane x

  14. You shouldn't overwork your dog like that. LOL Those stargazer lilies have always been my very favorite. Aren't they beautiful! Have a lovely rest of the week.

  15. I love your "watchdog on duty"! That's pretty good!!! Bounce looks like a pretty laid back "bouncer" to me! LOL. Your patio sanctuary is very soothing and lovely. The flowers are just perfect, and I can see that this would be a place of comfort and peace for you. So happy for you to have that, as I know how much being in a peaceful place can bring healing and strength back to you after suffering such a loss. yes, I have such spots in my yard, depending on the season or time of day...but right now, here in Florida, my most restful spot is in the house where it is cool! I do try to get out early in the morning or evening, but the mosquitoes are pretty bad right now and make it challenging!! Fall is coming hopefully sooner than later! Then I will be back out in my "sanctuary". Thank you for sharing with us. (((hugs))) to you today my friend.

  16. Oh Cranberry Morning, I had not thought I was overworking Bounce. He is probably tired after patrolling the fence line. LOL

  17. Hi Terra! Everything looks so lovely and refreshing. Perfect view of summer and spring. Wishing you a great day ahead!

  18. Oh, Bounce, what a lucky dog! So wonderful that the two of you found each other.


  19. Those flowers are so pretty! Aa of them. I feel for you on the loss of your husband......I dread the day if my husband goes first.

  20. Yay for the stargazers! I think you are very wise to tend to your grief in such a sweet way.

  21. Oh! That is one fierce guard dog you have! LOL! He is so cute....stretched out on the lounge chair. Your flowers are gorgeous.

  22. Your yard is beautiful! The perfect place for a nap on a lounge chair. Be glad your watchdog falls down on the job. My Schnauzer doesn't miss a thing passing through the yard---birds, leaves, cats and rabbits---and he'll bark at them all.

  23. A personal place of sanctuary is so wonderful and helps immensely.
    I love your 'guard dog' and those flowers are stunning.

    All the best Jan

  24. Oh, I wish I had a big back yard like this, Terra. It looks so peaceful, and the pink flowers are bright and pretty. I take my iced tea the same way.....with some ice cubes and no sugar. : ) Enjoy the rest of the summer days.

    love, ~Sheri

  25. Hi Terra, love your love dog! And your cantua blooms are something I've never seen before. Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm going to follow yours from now on. Have a great day. Jo
