Sunday, May 28, 2017

Our patio, yard and quote

Here are some photos taken this month, which show the view from my kitchen through our patio doors. When I stand at the kitchen sink and look left this is what I see on our patio.
The plant on the left on the table is a pot of pink roses and on the right is a planter of purple petunias, rose cosmos, white bacopas and dusty miller, both of these are gifts from my sons for Mother's Day. Note grey kitty Fluffy on table.
Here is Fluffy on patio, near some potting soil. She chose us by showing up in our fenced back yard about five years ago.
My friend has this quote as her email signature line:
"Occasionally weep deeply over the life you hoped would be. Grieve the losses. Then wash your face. Trust God. And embrace the life you have." by John Piper


  1. Your flowers are beautiful Terra. What a sweet son you have.

  2. You have quite a beautiful view from the kitchen sink. Thank you for sharing with us today. Blessings, Betsy

  3. What a wise and wonderful quote...and what a lovely view from your patio doors.

  4. I love your patio! What beautiful flowers! I wish I could visit and we could sit out there and sip a cup of tea. 💖

  5. Your patio is lovely, Terra. What a charming table and chair set, it's unique. And your flowers compliment it. I absolutely LOVE that quote, and will pass that one on to my kids. Happy Memorial Day weekend.

    love, ~Sheri

    ps so glad you enjoy Greek food too. : )

  6. Lovely. I hope to be able to create something similar! Lovely cat too.

  7. Love the flowers; beautiful! And the quote is one to take to heart. I have copied and pasted to my desktop.

  8. Well, it's a very nice patio Terra and your plants look very healthy. Kitty thinks so too. I expect she likes the smell of the potting compost. We put some enriching compost on the borders today. It smelt very much of manure so I dare say the cats will be all over it tonight!

  9. The plants are beautiful and a nice to view to see out your window.

  10. Your patio looks very colourful and I love the photograph of Fluffy.

    All the best Jan

  11. What lovely blooms and a gorgeous cat named Fluffy.

    I love that quote by John Piper. His writings have blessed me before.

    Love, hugs & prayers for you dearest Terra ~ FlowerLady

  12. Thank you for these pictures of your patio, and "Fluffo", who chose YOU! And I love the quote at the end. It shows how God is bringing healing to your heart and giving you strength to carry on and move forward. I continue to pray for you. Thank you for this post today.

  13. Terra,

    You don't know what this quote meant to me today...thank you so much. A story for another day.

    Your flowers are so pretty! I like the variety. It's so neat to see what we ladies grow in our individual climates. Your sons knew exactly what you'd love as a Mother's Day reward (not gift)!!

    Jane x

  14. Oh my! What gorgeous flowers and patio. Thank you so much for your visit today and your kind comment.

  15. Your patio looks very pretty and the cat who chose you is pretty too!
    I like the John Piper quote. I think it probably really speaks to you and I think you probably did this even before reading it.

  16. Hi Terra! That's a great quote by John Piper. Fluffy is lovely! I'm glad she found you.

  17. So nice views from the kitchen sink. Fluffy looks having a good time on the terrace with lovely flowers. Thank you for the reminder that we are blessed to be able to let off negative emotions with tears by the quote.


  18. Your patio is lovely, but the quote is even more lovely. I'd love to come and sit on your patio and talk about all that grief has taught us. Hugs.

  19. Terra, let me know how you like The Garden of Small Beginnings. I'm not sure if you got my comment yesterday because my pic did a big crash when I was making it. Have a great week. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

  20. Beautiful flowers. I like the quote very much.

  21. Thank you for recently calling by on my blog Helsie's Happenings. It's always nice to meet someone new. I've been reading a couple of your recent posts and I read that you do not like to be hot. I think we have a lot in common as i don't like it either ! I really suffer with hot weather which makes living where I do very difficult. Cheers.

  22. Oh what pretty flowers but fluffy stole the show! I love the way she chose y'all! Good quote, we don't have a choice 😁

  23. Love the photos and the colours and the appreciative puss ☺


  24. Just found your blog and loving it. I read in a past post about the books with older characters in, maybe you would like this one. The Japanese Lover by Isabel Allende, I loved this book about an older lady and her past with a Japanese man, I think you will love it too.

  25. Your grey cat is beautiful, very nice patio, too!
