Thursday, April 27, 2017

Dragon, Chinese Guardian Lion and Fire

My dragon and Chinese temple guard lion enjoying the fire in my fireplace. I always wrote "our" for 45 years, now I write "my", sad to say but true.
The guardian lion is usually one of a pair, this is a male lion who guards the home, while the female guards the people. Chinese guardian lions are often called Foo dogs or lions or Fu dogs or lions in English.
My husband and I had not used the fireplace since the big earthquake in 1989. All fireplaces to be safe should have an inspection before use after the quake. In December of last year our sons decided to have a fireplace man inspect it for damage; he found one thing which he fixed, he cleaned it all, and voila, now I have fires again. This photo was taken a few days ago. I bought the fireplace tools and a log holder on Amazon, the tools are like sculptures, made of wrought iron. You can see the tools on the left in the second photo.


  1. The fireplace tools are similar to ours. Rudy (pup) is terrified of them, since they have been known to swing, clang, and even fall loudly to the floor if he or his toys bump into them. :)

  2. How very interesting. I had no idea what the meanings were behind the lions. We had a fireplace for many years, and I enjoyed it... Now in a small apartment, I have candles, HaHa. I think that is "downsizing"

  3. How I love that Guardian Lion - he is absolutely majestic.

  4. I like those! And I'm glad to hear that your fireplace is working again. They're nice to have when the weather turns chilly.

    I hope you had a wonderful birthday! :)

  5. Love fu dogs, but I don't have one. Fireplace must be a treat and will wait patiently until fall for you.

  6. I'm so glad you're able to use the fireplace now. You'll really enjoy it. Love your beautiful statues too! Hugs, Diane

  7. I love a crackling dogs or no foo dogs.

  8. I am so glad you can light your fireplace again, it looks nice with the chinese friends and the new tools. We have a sfinx we bought in Greece. I know it¨s silly but sometimes I talk nicely to her so that she won't bring any misery upon the house----
    But that really IS the cutest dog in the world!!! So nice to know that you have him, it feels like you are slowly returning to life and finding good days. A dog is a good help I can imagine. Blessings to you, Terra!!!

  9. It looks great, Terra. There is nothing like a fire on a cold or damp day. It had been in the high 60's here, but it has been rainy and dreary.. I have had the fireplace on most mornings.

  10. I love the story behind the lion, and I'm so glad that you got the fireplace working again. I couldn't live without mine, not only necessary in the Midwest but lovely and comforting, too!

    Jane x

  11. I love the dragon and lion. And the fireplace. There is really nothing like a fireplace. Happy it is being used again.

  12. You're a good Girl Scout, Terra!

  13. The dragon and the lion are so colourful.
    So pleased you can now use your fireplace again.

    All the best Jan

  14. There's nothing better than a nice warm fire!!

  15. Nothing like a fireplace for true home comfort!

  16. I've got a fireplace, too, but I'm unable to use it except as a mantel. I still enjoy the look of it. Take good care!

  17. Hi Terra - thanks for coming across in the frenzy of the A-Z ... that fireplace looks so welcoming, as though it's Mayday, it is fare-cold here! Typical English weather ... while the guardian lions I could do with ... but I'm pleased your sons fixed the fireplace, so it's safe ... take care and all the best Hilary

  18. We love the Foo Dogs, too. Terra, thank you so much for your comment on the yarn bombing for our friend. I can not even imagine how hard it is to lose your mate. May God bless and keep you and lift you.

  19. Your dragon and Chinese temple are interesting, Terra. I'm glad you're able to use your fireplace now. I didn't use mine this year, and it seems that warm days always come to us now and then here in California.

    A happy week to you,

