Thursday, December 1, 2016

Sad news about my husband Will

The worst day of my life was two weeks ago, when my beloved husband Will died unexpectedly.
Our sons and I are in shock, stunned and finding it hard to believe.
The above is a recent photo that shows him smiling and in our back yard.
Below is Will with one of his several mountain bikes.
Our sons stayed with me at our house 24/7 for two full weeks, and then returned to their homes and work. It was wonderful to see them treating each other and me so beautifully and tenderly.
They stayed busy at our house doing an amazing job of home improvements including buying a rug cleaner and cleaning the rugs, clearing out the back addition to our house, buying a big shop vacuum and cleaning and clearing the garage, buying and putting up new curtains in the living room, had our fireplace inspected so we can use it, bought me wood, bought me an Alexa Firestick and taught me how to use it (you talk to her and she plays what you want on tv) and so much more. Together we made 5 trips to 3 places for rescue dogs to find me a dog and we found a cute Chihuahua terrier mix at the animal shelter.
I will post more about Will soon, he was a super good husband, dad and very talented and creative.
Still, there is no way around it. We are heart broken. I am exhausted and sad, sad, sad. But Will and I had 45 years of marriage, so we were blessed in that. Please, hug your loved ones. I know you will.


  1. Terra, I am so so very sorry. That your heart is broken makes me so sad, may it mend a little more each day of your life. He looked the picture of health. I believe, on some level, he is still with you and so happy your sons showed such love and respect for you and your husband. Hugs and much love to you.

  2. Dear Terra -I ma so sorry to hear of your loss. My heart aches with and for you and your sons. I will be praying for your strength during this difficult time. <3

    Love, Gail


  3. Oh my goodness! I am so very sorry for the loss of your husband. I can't imagine what you're going through. It sounds as though you have wonderful children who are willing to stop everything and be there for you. My prayers will be with you as you adjust to your new life. Much love.

  4. So sorry to hear this! but thanks for sharing. There seem never to be any "right words" in situations like this; but glad your sons have been there to help, and I hope your new little dog will also bring you some smiles in the midst of hard times. ♥

  5. Terra, I am so very sorry for your loss how lucky you were to have 45 years together, and, what wonderful sons you've raised. I will be 💭 nh of you at this difficult time.

  6. I have been through it myself in my first marriage and there is no easy way - you just have to work through it and really no words I can say are going to make it much easier. But I do send you my love and say that you will be in my thoughts over the next few weeks. You are lucky with your sons by the sounds of it and I do hope that little dog softens the blow too. Take care.

  7. Oh Terra, I am SO sorry to hear about this. I know your heart is broken, and my heart weeps for you. May you feel the love of God surrounding you and giving you the comfort that only He can give. So thankful for your family who have rallied around and helped you, but I know you will be going through some difficult days of grief for some time. Praying for you and lifting you up before the Lord, knowing He will give you strength and help. (((hugs))) and much love to you today my friend.

  8. I am so so sorry to hear of the loss of your dear husband. My sympathy is with you. How blessed to have your sons be with you during this time. My heart goes out to you. Hugs, Pat

  9. Keeping you in my prayers. I lost my husband several years ago after 31 years of marriage with a brain tumor. He fought it for three years. I can't imagine dealing with not only his death but the suddenness of it also. God has been so good to take care of me through it all, and I am praying His love and comfort for you and your family during this time.

  10. So sorry to read this sad news. You and your family are in my prayers. There's no way to get beyond grief but to go through it. God is near. Praying grace, comfort, and peace to you.

  11. Terra, My heart goes out to you now. I am so very sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine your sadness now. I pray you are lifted up by family and friends and your church. It is always a shock when someone goes home to be with the Lord, but our husbands are people we expect to be with us forever and ever. I wish I lived nearby to give you a hug. Again, my sorrows over your loss and I will be praying for you this coming year.

  12. Oh Terra, I am so very sorry. I'm glad your kids were able to spend time with you and help you but I know it will be a huge adjustment to create a life for yourself now. My heart goes out to you. I was working on a post for tomorrow and adding a link to your blog because I am showing your book on my coffee table. So I was shocked and saddened to read this. I'm sending you my sympathy and love. Your buddy, Diane

  13. Dear Terra!
    We don't know eachother but I've read a few things on your blog .When I saw the sad post I could feel my heart turn over. I'm so sorry for this loss you where thrown in to . Un expected, unwanted and unbelievable. Your boys are being sweet, tender and practicle. By helping out they can find a way to cope with this.
    You are right, there is no way around it, the path goes right through the inferno and darkness. There is not much to say right now that can bring you comfort, just go easy on yourself, take your time, don't lose hope.
    I like Wills face and his smile, I am glad you had such good years. But I guess pain is the stronger feeling right now. I can't even imagine.
    But In my mind God is never more present than when we are in a void, lost and deserted.. You are not alone in that desolate place called grief. Blessings!

  14. Dear Terra, I am so very sorry. Sending you and your sons my deepest sympathy in your loss. These are such wonderful pics of your husband. 45 years is a long time together and I know you miss him so deeply.
    We rescued a chihuahua terrier mix from a kill shelter several months ago and he (Theo) brings us so much joy. I hope your little dog brings you comfort, also.
    Sending a hug.

  15. I am SO sorry! You have my deepest sympathies...and my most heartfelt prayers. It's so hard to lose a loved one, especially around Christmas. Hang in there!

  16. Dear dear Terra ~ I am sitting here with tears streaming. I am so so sorry for your loss! I know right where you are coming from, where you are at. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady

  17. Sending you my true sympathies and heartfelt condolences

  18. Oh, dear Terra. I am SO sorry for your loss. I will hold you in my prayers.

  19. Oh, I am so sorry to hear such sad news.
    You are the third person in a few months that have told me of their husbands passing.
    Please know that my prayers are with you and all your family.

  20. Oh, what terrible news! I am so sorry. So, so , SO sorry! I cannot imagine the heartbreak and the change in your life.

    I am glad your family came together so nicely for you and you have a little dog friend to keep you company. But know that I am here, thinking of you...and praying for you each and every day. Will is with you, still...and he will watch over you.

    Love and hugs...and strength in the coming days, dear friend.

  21. I am so sorry to hear this news about your husband Will. ((HUGS)) I will be praying for your comfort and strength during this tragic time in your life. Please know that I care and am holding you close in my heart and asking God to do the same for you.

  22. Hello Friend,
    I am praying for you!
    Sending a big HUG!

  23. I am so sorry for you and your family's loss. Hubby and I have been married 27 years, and I can't imagine life without him. I am praying for you to have strength and peace.

  24. Oh Terra - I am so sorry! There are no words to say, except I'll be praying for you. I'm glad you have such good memories and were blessed with all those years.

  25. My deepest sympathy to you and your family, Terra, on the loss of your husband! May he rest in peace and may you be comforted by your good memories. ((Hugs))

  26. Terra, I have tears in my eyes and my heart is breaking for you. I wish your Barnabas Babes could gather around you and be present with you for a few days. Words lose all oomph and power when suffering the loss of your longtime love and nothing said can make this nightmare go away. I love you, friend and please know your burden of grief will find a place in my daily trips to the feet of Jesus. I'm so sorry for this unwanted journey you are on.

  27. Oh, Terra... I am so very sorry for you and your sons. My heart goes out to you and I will be praying for you all. Of course your heart is very sad having your beloved hubby pass on.
    With deepest sympathy

  28. Oh Terra. I am so terribly sorry to hear of your huge loss. Your husband, Will, must have been a wonderful man. It's so hard to comprehend why this had to happen so suddenly. My heart goes out to you, dear Terra. So glad you have good memories and your sons, as well. I will hold you in my thoughts and prayers. Susan

  29. A very big hug for you. I am so very sorry for the loss of your dear Will. ❤️Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  30. Oh, my dear!! I had no clue! We are friends on Facebook, I believe, and I still didn't know.
    My love and prayers for your loss......

  31. Oh my gosh, Terra, I am so, so sorry for your huge loss. Thank goodness for your two sons being there, and also adopting a dog. That will be so good for you to have a loving companion. Please know that you are in my heart and in my prayers.

  32. Terra,

    I am so, so saddened to read this. 45 years of marriage and you are showing more grace than I could ever possibly do. Your sons are a blessing. And bringing a pet into your life will keep you busy. But still, I know your heart is broken. I wish I were there to give you a hug. I am a good listener if you want to 'talk'. You know my email address.

    Again, I'm so sorry for this huge loss in your life. Will looks like he was a wonderful man.

    Sending much love and my condolences,

    Jane x

  33. Dear Terra, this is so heart-felt as I can only imagine your loss and the depth of your grief. Just know that you have been "walked through your grieving process" by two exceptional sons and the idea that you knew to take in a rescue dog to help you focus your grief positively, is such a life-lesson for others. I am sending prayers and knowing that only time helps you learn to "handle it" but that it is a process. God bless, dear friend.

  34. I'm sorry to learn of Will's death & your sadness. Gentle hugs from Ohio.

  35. Terra- I am so sad and sorry for your loss. Please know we are praying for you and your family = Trish Berg

  36. I am so sorry for your terrible, unexpected loss, Terra. I wish that I could say something more to ease your burden, but I know that only time will soften the pain. You have been blessed that you and Will have such wonderful, caring children who will forever be there for you.

  37. Terra I am so sorry to hear your sad news. Keeping you and your family in my prayers.

  38. Ooh Terra - I am so so sorry to read this ... I just hadn't picked up the feed - as I've been having some hassles ... but absolutely nothing like losing your husband - he does look amazingly vibrant. I'm so pleased your sons are with you ... and you have them as back up ... and now your new 4-legged family member - who will provide you with much support and love.

    Thank you for letting us know ... and I am certain you are all heart-broken ... and I'm so pleased you had 45 years of marriage ... for now those memories will see you through - it just is not an easy time. I do so wish you can be peaceful and reflective, with some comfort and hope to keep you going ... with lots of thoughts - Hilary

  39. Just found your blog. I am sorry and am sending prayers.

  40. Oh Terra, I'm so sorry to hear about your husband, Will. He sounds like a wonderful man. And your sons coming through like they did is so special. You will all need each other right now. Thinking of you with love and comfort during this time of sorrow, my dear friend.

    love, ~Sheri

  41. Oh my gosh, Terra, honey! May God bless you and keep you and your sons safe and uplift you in your time of need! Sending positive herbal energy to you and your family! xo

  42. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Know that you and your family will be in my prayers. I will put your name and that of your husband on our prayer list. Many blessings on all of you during this difficult time.

  43. Hi Terra, I read your last comment on Debra's blog (As I See it Now). When I clicked on your blog and read of your husband's passing, my heart hurt for you. What a huge loss! Although we don't know each other, I am writing your name on my special list. I promise to pray for you and your boys. May God heal your hearts and hold you all in His hands.

  44. I am sending you big loving hugs sweet friend. So sorry for your loss. <3
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  45. So sad for you my friend. God bless your sons for keeping you busy and showing you Gods love. Will is young and free in Paradise, and will be there waiting for you. xxxx

  46. So sorry for this great loss! Saying a prayer.

  47. I'm am so sorry for your loss and grateful to your sons for being with you and getting you settled. I'll keep you in my prayers as these next few weeks will have difficult moments.

  48. Terra, Diane mentioned that her friend had lost her husband unexpectedly and I thought what a sad thing that is not knowing that she was speaking of you. I am terribly sorry to know that you have joined that club that no woman wishes ever to join and in this particular season of the year. It warmed my heart to think of your sons staying with you and helping you at this time. It is important to have family and friends. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  49. I know I posted a comment here the other day, but perhaps you haven't had a chance to approve it yet so that is why it isn't here. Either way, I still want you to know that I am praying for you and thinking about you during your time of sorrow. May God continue to comfort you and give you strength for each day. (((hugs))) to you, my friend.

  50. Terra, my heart breaks for you. I am feeling your pain, as we have lost two dear men in our lives in the past few months. My dearest has had both funerals. Life is so short, and I have been telling my dearest how much I love him daily.

    How wonderful you have sons to take up some of the pain and space.

    Sending love and prayers dear....Thank you so much for sharing, so we can all love on you.

  51. I offer my sympathy to you at the unexpected loss of your husband. Hugs to you!

  52. So very sorry about your Will. I will be lifting you and your family up in prayer!

  53. I am so sorry. Will pray for your comfort, what a hard loss.

  54. I am so very sorry to hear about the death of your husband. So hard when it happens so unexpectedly. I'm glad your boys were there to help in those first weeks. May you be blessed with continued strength and comfort. Tammy

  55. OMG Terra, so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine what you are going through. Hugs.

  56. I'm sorry to hear of the death of your husband and so quickly, what a shock.
    You are blessed to have sons who are willing to stay with you for that duration of time, what a blessings.
    My thoughts and prayers go out to you~~

  57. What shockingly sad news. However, on the positive side what wonderful sons you have. A dog companion is a great idea. All the best in the coming months and years coping on your own.

  58. I just came over to thank you for visiting my blog and am bowled over by the news. I am so very sorry for your tragic loss. To lose a loved one suddenly is so hard for there is no chance to say goodbye. Ever so grateful that your family has been so supportive. Sending you hugs and prayers from Arkansas.

  59. I'm so sorry to read such news - my sympathies are with you and your family.
    May your Will RIP.

    I just realized there was no post from you so went searching for it - was shocked to read.
    Do hope you are doing alright, but the emptiness of a loved one so dear with not go for a very long time, there is always a place in your heart that feels empty.

    What lovely sons you have to help you...take care.

  60. Oh, what a shock. I've only just read your post Terra. I'm so sorry and send condolences to you and your family. It was cheering to read that your sons are so supportive to you in your hours of need. I send you hugs and friendship and hope that you will get through the dark days with the help of your new little dog. What a good idea!
    Another of my friends was widowed recently. I'm feeling blessed at the moment and will hug my family as you suggest!


  61. I am so sorry dear about your husband. This is a hard time in anyone's life I know. I have been a widow almost 10 years and still can't believe it. wondering where did my life go? that I am this age and all by myself. I stay busy now but at first it was very hard. So glad you got a dog when I can retire I want 2 dogs that way I will be busy and they can always be together when i'm gone out looking for junk to pile in my house LOL shabby junk

    There is no words to help you through this only time will help


  62. Terra, my prayers and heartfelt sympathy go out to you and your family. You are so fortunate to have had those 45 years and your good memories will carry you through. What a wonderful family you have and such great children to do all that. I know it will take a long time to get back on your feet and you will never forget. If you ever need a friend....I am here for you.

  63. You've been on my mind and in my heart since I heard the sad news. Hugs to you, dear friend.

  64. Oh, Terra, I am so very sorry for your loss. I'm so glad your sons have been with you and doing so much to help ~ they have to be amazing young men. The adjustment period will not be easy and everyone's path of grief is different. Just please be good to yourself, don't place any expectations on yourself. That's such a sweet gesture to adopt a fur baby! They are such wonderful companions!

    I don't think there are any words that are adequate at a time like this. I pray that God wraps you in His love and that you find peace. I will hold you and your sons in prayer. Will be your special angel now and his spirit will always be with you.


  65. So sorry to hear about your darling Will..such a sad shock for you,he looks so healthy!..I hope to learn more about you as time goes on xx

  66. Terra, I am so very sorry to learn of your sudden loss. I wish you strength and comfort and healing, though I know those things take time.

  67. Terra,

    I'm new to your blog, just stopping by. But I'm so saddened to hear about your husband. Those 45 years together must have WONDERFUL, I'm sure.

    Be blessed today!


  68. My gosh, I am so very distressed to learn of this. What can anyone possibly say... I pray you will find your way in peace, and that your healing will be eased by your family. It just goes to show, we can lose our loved ones so suddenly without warning, I will give my hubby a tight hug and tell him how much I love and appreciate him right now. So very sorry for you.

  69. Terra, I am so sorry for your loss. What a shock. What wonderful Boys you have. Please keep us posted on how you are doing. I feel as if I know you personally because we have blogged for so many years. I will pray for you and your loved ones. Hugs, LJ

  70. May Will's journey be safe and may you and yours find peace.

  71. Oh Terra, I am deeply sorry. My heart goes out to you with the loss of your beloved. Your sons have been a blessing. I am so glad they have been with you. I will keep you and your loved ones in my prayers.
    Sending you a warm hug.

  72. Terra, I have just read your comment on my blog and have come across to offer my condolences on the loss of your wonderful husband. What a lovely photograph of him.

    I hope that the happy memories you have of your time together, and his living on in your two sons will support you through the coming months and years. I know that he is close to you in spirit.

  73. Oh Terra I am so sorry. What a beautiful family you have to come together and stay with you those weeks. Sending Love and prayers your way.
    Blessings, Joanne

  74. I'm so sorry for your loss Terra. Sending my best wishes to you and your family- be strong and know that your readers wish you well, always.

  75. Dear Terra,
    I am so so sorry for your loss....I know it must be devastating. I just want you to know how many people out there are sending you light and prayers. With all my love, Jan Johnsen

  76. Oh Terra! I just now read this and I am so very sorry you lost your dear husband. My condolences to you and may God continue to comfort you as only He can. May He bless you with much hope and peace in the days to come. Thanks so much for reading my blog so faithfully and please know I am praying for you. Blessings and best wishes always, Debra

  77. I'm so sorry to hear this. I came to your blog as you left me a comment. Sending you a big warm hug. Your husband seemed to be so special. Best wishes to you. Be strong. Lala x
