Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Wordless Wednesday: Mary

Serene beautiful Mary who has been in our garden for twenty years.
I am linking to Wordless Wednesday
Here is quote from Saint Therese of Lisieux, April 1895, which has the image of a shower of roses.
"I have given nothing but love to God and He will repay with love. After my death I will let fall a shower of roses."
I first read this quote quite a while ago on the blog Shower of Roses


  1. Hi Terra - what a beautiful sculpture reminding you of so much during that twenty years. The quote from Saint Therese of Lisieux is wonderful and uplifting to read at any time ... I'll remember that - cheers Hilary

  2. Beautiful. Just love Mary so much, Terra. Susan

  3. Simply beautiful! Thanks for sharing this great photo! <3 - http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com

  4. What a beautiful sculpture, Terra! Just her quiet presence must be a reminder to engage in contemplation. And St. Therese is one of my favorite saints! Thanks for your visit today!

  5. I'm not sure if my comment actually went through. Love your statue of Mary--her expression is one of deep contemplation! Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting!

  6. Such a pretty, peaceful statue.

  7. I live your Mary statue, and thanks to you I just discovered the Shower of Roses blog. It's beautiful and I like it a lot even though I have almost nothing in common with the author.

  8. She is so beautiful..

    Please visit: http://from-a-girls-mind.blogspot.com

  9. Terra, Saint Therese is a beloved Saint to me, and the statue of Mary is beautiful. I bet it comforts you in your garden.

    I just love your Wordless Wednesday posts. :)


  10. Beautiful statue...I love how it has weathered with different shades of color.

  11. Thank you for your visit to my blog today. That statue does look very serene. It must look lovely in your garden. Have a blessed day.

  12. Thanks for your visit and comment. Have a good day Diane

  13. Hi Terra, thank you so, so much for the kind comment you left on my blog. I've signed up to follow your blog since I think we have so much in common! I loved seeing your the beautiful photos you shared. It's great to meet you and I wish you a wonderful day! Pat xx
