Friday, January 8, 2016

What is your word for 2016?

I chose a word for 2016, Blossom. I wasn't planning on choosing a word but it just appeared in front of me, on a blog I was reading. I love flowers so blossom is appealing. Blossom brings beauty to our world. Blossom encourages me to grow in some areas of my life. All in all, blossom is a good thing. These photos are of blossoms at our home last year.
Did you choose a word?
Here are more blossoms for this cold day.
Let me know in a comment what word you chose, if any. Last year I did not choose one.
Some ideas for a word for the year that others have chosen: adventure, grateful, peaceful, worship, empathy, behold, forward, courage, inhabit, eternity, engage, bubbly, discernment, listen.


  1. Hmmmm. For a word......I can't think of one that hasn't already been used, but I do like your word and the pictures.

  2. I chose the word MOVE because I need to...not just my body but my household.

  3. Lovely word - lovely pics. I didn't pick a word but feel like it should be something like "reachout ".

  4. I like your seems everyone's 2016 words fit them...the word Unconditionally is my word. Many Happy Friday Blessings to you.

  5. I have chosen PUSH as my word. I have post on it tomorrow. I like your word. Have a nice weekend.

  6. Hi Terra, blossom is a lovely word for 2016, here's hoping there will be plenty. My word for 2016 is Positive. I'm trying to make sure every day has something positive to make me smile at some point. Have a wonderful weekend xx

  7. Cool word that you have chosen!
    My word is kindness, kind and kinder...and for my home: organize! It will be an interesting year!

  8. Blossoms is a perfect word for your 2016. They just make me smile :D
    I can't get enough blooms and always have fresh flowers in my home no matter what time of year... usually from my own garden, although they're getting a little sparse at the moment.
    Have a great weekend and thanks for sharing.

  9. Seems that many are choosing a word to live by for the year. I haven't felt motivated to participate ... wait a minute ... maybe that should be my word "motivate". ~:)

  10. those blossoms are beautiful,,
    balance, thats my word,,

  11. If I had to chose just one word I suppose it would be 'Words.' I'm thinking a lot about words these days and plan on writing a lot of them! I'm reminded to never underestimate the power of WORDS!
    I like 'Blossom' for you. It's suits you, I think!

  12. I love that word. Now I've got to think of mine!

  13. Focus! That's mine! Needed in all areas!:-)

  14. Hi Terra. I think "blossom" is a perfect word for you. Thanks for all your visits to my blog and your comments, too. They are sooooo appreciated. Susan

  15. Beautiful colours in the blooms. No i haven't chosen a word, hadn't even thought about it...

  16. Such a pretty word to choose. : )
    No, I don't have a word for the year.

  17. Blossom is a wonderful unique word, Terra - I love it! And oh my, your photos are simply lovely.

    Hugs and blessings!

  18. Blossom is a good word for the new year, Terra. I didn't really choose a word, but if I did, it probably would be "hope." Your flowers are so vibrant and pretty. My roses have stopped blooming as of December, and I really miss seeing them. I hope they blossom this spring again. :)


  19. Very nice word, I feel the same about plants and flowers. Every time I shop for plants I buy the smallest one so I can watch it grow and bloom with new life. I see God's awesomeness in how they open up from a tiny little bud.

  20. I chose two words for the year. YES! and No!

    I am going to give it a go for the things I haven't done, try new things, seek adventure.

    I am going to say no more often but gently and with kindness.

  21. I like your word.

    Blossom is an uplifting word.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog

  22. In response to Toni...I chose NO, but have not used it that much.

    I need to.
