Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Random Thoughts

Above is the photo I took of Petra in Jordan. Note how tiny the people are which shows you the scale of the place.

Several bloggers I know do Random Thoughts posts, and I saw one that Betsy at My Five Men wrote which gave me the idea.
I visited the rose red stone city of Petra in Jordan when I was in college. It was incredibly beautiful and ancient and built by the Nabateans. A bedouin man led my friend, Carol, and I into the city through the passage in the cliff. We had only enough money to rent one horse so we took turns riding the horse.

My favorite flowers to grow from seeds are zinnias. They grow readily from seed and I love all the colors and types of flowers. These are growing in an old metal pail, and I plant them in the ground too.

I bought a wine rack and a book at Goodwill yesterday for a total of $3.14. The book is "The Inklings" by Melanie Jeschke and is a novel about Oxford in the time of C.S. Lewis and Tolkien.

I feed the wild birds every day and give them fresh water. Our favorite birds right now are the graceful and peaceful mourning doves in their soft tan colors.

We like watching Downton Abbey and Walking Dead, now those are two SO different shows.

If you like to read mystery series you might like Stop You're Killing Me This is so good if you get a bit lost where you are in reading a series, because here you can search by author or main character and find out the order of the books. Plus extra features so you can find mystery series by subject.


  1. Hi,
    What is Walking Dead about? I have seen photos of it posted on Pinterest. I do not know what it is about.

  2. Love your randomness! :)

    Those zinnias are beautiful...one of my favorites! They seem to die from some kind of mildew in my garden so I haven't tried them in a few years. Maybe next summer I'll try again...you've inspired me!

  3. Carla, Walking Dead is about a huge zombie population trying to kill all people. It follows a small group of people who fight them. Quite a contrast to the wonderful Downton Abbey.

  4. We have much in common. Love those shows and zinnias are a favorite. Mine always get mildew on the leaves too. I missed Homeland last Sunday as I love that one too. Happy Thanksgiving Terra.

  5. Those are magnificent places too bad they're being blown up by the muslim terrorists ISIS. So sad. I would love to visit such places. Guess that ship has sailed.
    Hubby and I are hooked on Downton Abbey. I have all 5 seasons on DVD and after viewing the 6th this coming January will purchase it also.
    Hope your day is blessed. ~:)

  6. And, lucky you. Isn't Petra one of the seven wonders of the world? Random - that's how my brain works too.

  7. I would love to see Petra. A friend of mine was living in Jordan for the last 10 years but just moved back to North America - not sure when I will get there at this point. Cool!

  8. Indeed two different TV Series. I do like Downton Abbey, the Walking Dead, with one eye closed and one open, though it's here on TV. If we wish to watch we have to pay for it along with many TV shows that we don't need to watch, so not worth it for us.
    But have seen up to Series 3 included.

    That is a tall building in Jordan.

  9. I do love Zennias also. I don't think I have ever had a seed that has not grown into a flower. The are bright, happy plants.

  10. Very pretty zinnias, and I like them as well.

  11. Terra,
    OMG!! I am a HUGE fan of the Walking Dead!! Did you watch the spin off show Fear The Walking Dead? Loved that one too!!
    I just posted the review on your book:
    I hope it is okay! Love the book!! Thanks so much, my friend!!

  12. Such colorful, wonderful zinnias!! Reminds me of my father...he always planted zinnia seeds in window boxes around the house. You made my day.

  13. Zinnias! My mother always planted them, and I loved them. I'm making a note in my planner for this spring! They are such a nice cut flower, which my granddaughter will also appreciate.

  14. I enjoyed your random thoughts. Thanks! And I love zinnias, too!

  15. Delightfully random.. and colourful.


  16. Hi there, lovely blog! I am a new follower and I'm looking
    forward to joining you and my other blog friends participating
    in "The Greatest Gift is Love" Blog Hop Giveaway.
    I know it is going to be fantastic.

    Happy Thanksgiving,

  17. I really need to give Downton Abbey a go. Have you seen Call the Midwife? Apparantly, there are a lot of people who like both of them! And Hooray for good-goodwill finds, I haven't found anything good at our local thriftshop for ages. Hope next time will be my lucky day!

  18. Thanks for your visit. Here's hoping you and the family have one terrific Thanksgiving.

  19. thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday. the MRI took about 35 minutes, some are much longer. it seems longer than it really is..

  20. I have seen Petra in 2008 at the very beginning. It is just so beautiful !

  21. You are so lucky to have visited Petra. I have never traveled to Europe and I fear I may never get to go. It really breaks my heart. Love your flower shots! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  22. Real nice flowers, I don't have any luck growing from seeds except primrose flowers and they smell so good in the evening.

  23. Hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving!

  24. I read a lot in the past about C.S. Lewis as well as most of the books he wrote himself. I like Downton Abbey (next-to-last episode coming up later tonight); The Walking Dead I've never seen, not "my cup of tea"...

  25. Petra is awesome. We went there years go with the boys when they were little. Of course, Jordan is just around the corner from where we are. :) I was using the onscreen keyboard for my laptop but had to use the mouse and tap each key one by one. So slow and not worth my time. Thankfully it wasn't too expensive to get my keyboard fixed. I've got seed packets I must try planting. Do you do anything special or just throw them in some soil?

  26. Hi Terra,

    I posted the Batter Buns recipe. If you try it let me know if you like them!
    Hugs from me!

  27. amazing photo from Jordan,, and your flowers are so beautiful,,I have never watched Walking Dead,, but I know Dowton Abby,, its addictive,lol,

  28. The mourning doves are one of my favorite birds, Terra. How nice that you feed them and give them water every day. Zinnias are so pretty. I'd love to plant some in my garden some time. You know, posts about random things are my favorite posts because it tells me a little about what's going on in the blogger's world. I do a post called "just because" once in awhile, and it's kind of the same thing, a little of this and that.

    Keep doing your random thoughts posts, they are delightful.

    love, ~Sheri
