Saturday, August 15, 2015

Pretty hare painting by Jackie Morris

Look what beauty arrived in my mail, all the way from Wales from the artist Jackie Morris.
In the top center is a card and the others are postcards. She illustrates books, paints, and also writes books. Her current book is a retelling of The Wild Swans story by Anderson. If you go to her blog and website you can see a lot of her beautiful paintings and more about the Wild Swans book which releases about September 19, 2015.
I enjoy visiting her blog and reading about her life in the countryside of Wales, where she walks with dogs and cats and encounters wild life, all of which inspire her art.
Thank you Jackie for the beautiful card and postcards.


  1. Beautiful! I am off to visit her blog now!

  2. I'm familiar with her work and I follow her page on Facebook, what talent she has! And what lovely cards that I don't think I'd ever send to anyone, but keep for myself!

  3. What beautiful talent. I am off to visit her page, thank-you for the link!

  4. I love this and am always looking for beautiful note cards. Thank you for sharign with us Terra and have a great weekend, Anne

  5. I love her work! Thank you for sharing. I'm going to pop over there now.

  6. I'll be over to visit. I've had a trip to Wales in my mind for the last while. Until I can get there, this is a great way to visit Wales. Thanks!

  7. wow, those are beautiful! I've painted a hare one time and really enjoyed it. These inspired me to try more.

    I will check out her blog - thanks for the link.

  8. Wow--she is really talented!

  9. I love those cards and will go and visit her now. Thanks for stopping by.

  10. The postcards are love love love! Lucky you Terra!

  11. Such a pretty hare painting. They are so quick and curious. I saw one on a trail recently and had to take its picture.

    I hope you're enjoying the rest of the summer days.

    love, ~Sheri

  12. What beautiful paintings just perfect as illustrations.

  13. Wonderful art work. I visited her site and she is a very talented lady.

  14. I double-clicked the photo and the artwork filled my whole screen. They are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing and thanks for visiting my blog.
