Sunday, July 26, 2015

Visiting our wharf on the bay

A painting of a sea otter on our wharf and if you look closely you will see my reflection in it.
Our home is beyond those trees.
The flags are flying in a nice breeze on the restaurant patio near the end of the wharf.
When I see sailboats I think I should get a zoom lens.
Have a happy day and look for beauty all around you, friends.


  1. Oh how I loved your post today. I do see you in the reflection. I love the ocean and in August taking the train to my sister's up North, and then we are going to drive over to the coast for a couple days, and enjoy the beauty you've captures, walk on the beach, pick up some shells and rocks. I can't wait.

  2. There is definitely beauty on the wharf. What lovely pictures today. Thank you for the reminder to look for beauty all around me. I saw a rabbit today trying to hide from me. :~)

    Have a blessed Sunday, Terra.


  3. Oh how pretty, thank you for sharing....Have a Blessed Sunday.

  4. Looks like a lovely place to visit. Hope your weekend is a good one!

  5. thanks for sharing such beautiful summer photos! Have a great Sunday!

  6. Terra, gorgeous views of the ocean. We are enjoying that kind of scenery here in Maine at the moment, and I can't stay away from the harbors.

  7. It is all so very beautiful where you are!!

  8. Hi,
    I LOVE otter. The picture is so sweet.
    Thank you for sharing.

  9. What a beautiful area you live in, and I love the expression of the otter :-)

  10. Hi Terra! What a pretty place you live! Thanks for your comment on my blog. It was good hearing from you! Cindy

  11. Wow...a beautiful place to live! The water relaxes me more than anything, even if I'm just sitting beside it. I found a picture today that had my reflection in it, too. Thank your for your visit, today!

  12. I see your reflection.
    Very nice there, calm sea..

  13. Wow! I love the blue-so-blue!

  14. I too love to see and watch sail boats in our bay areas. They're are your photos. And that painting...a reflection of you....that is phenomenal.

  15. Good post, thanks for sharing by my blog.

  16. Gorgeous and serene! Thank you so much for sharing, Terra.

  17. Thanks for your visit. I can't imagine living that close to so much water. Have a great week-end.

  18. Hi: Thank you for the kind words and the for your visit. What a perfect day by the water. Blessings, Martha

  19. Such beauty and only a short distance away.

  20. This definitely captures beauty. That sky and the water so blue. Thanks for visiting my blog and sharing your words of wisdom on my wayward son's adventures. It always helps to get more perspective.

  21. Thank you for visiting my blog. I think you live in a very pretty place. And I think it's great to look for the beauty around us and celebrate it and the fact that we are alive and have the capacity to enjoy it.

  22. How lucky you are to live near the wharf, and what views you must enjoy there! Yes, by all means, get a nice zoom on your lens so that you can enjoy those sailboats. I have a Canon Powershot, which is a point and shoot with many settings and adjustments, so that it's one step below a DSLR, which is too much bother for me. They have a nice long zoom on them.
