Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Persimmons Wordless Wednesday

Almost wordless: just a warning. Wait til persimmons are fully ripe, very squishy, the insides like a soft jelly. If not fully ripe the astringent taste is a dreadful experience; when ripe they are very sweet. We cut them in half, add a touch of lemon juice and whip cream and eat them with a spoon.


  1. I have never had a persimmon. If you had not written that it was a persimmon, I would have thought they were plum tomatoes.

  2. Never had those kind at the store, but have bitten into unripe wild ones. Tried to make a liqueur with them and it is the only fruit that didn't work.

  3. Don't think I have had a persimmon since I was a child. I do remember biting into one that was not ripe enough. Ugh! LOL

  4. I have never had a persimmon either and I too thought they were tomatoes.

  5. Aren't they gorgeous? Wow! Do you make persimmon puddings?

  6. One of our daughters recently baked a Persimmon Pie! It was very tasty!

  7. I have never tasted persimmon...they kind of look like tomatoes...

  8. Hi Terra. You know what? I don't think I've ever had a persimmon. Ever in my life.

    Thanks so much for your visit. Nice to see you stopped by, always. Susan

  9. I've had wild persimmons and they were certainly ripe, but the taste never did agree with me. Perhaps as jam, I would like them.

  10. Hi sweet Terra! I have never had a Persimmon, but I have seen recipes for muffins and pudding which looks quite tasty :)

    Thanks for sharing and have a beautiful day. Hugs to you!

  11. Hi Terra .. I've had the yellow ones - but in fact saw a pack at the supermarket today - I resisted!

    Those look very delicious .. cheers Hilary

  12. Oh, I haven't seen persimmons in such a long time. Your persimmons look so good, and the color is delightful. They would be just right for persimmon cake for Christmas.

    Have a nice week, Terra.

