Thursday, September 18, 2014

Happy week, roses, peppers, skunk

Some recent photos I took.
Pink and white roses, peppers our neighbor grew, and a young skunk drinking water in a blurred photo taken through the sliding glass doors. All photos from this week at our house.
Some happy events from my week: yesterday our oldest son treated me to lunch downtown. I had spicy chicken mole (no, not the animal mole, LOL, it is pronounced mo lay and is a chocolate and spices Mexican sauce), fancy polenta cooked in a pie type crust with whole kernels of corn in it and a lightly dressed mixed lettuce salad with pepitas in it. I watched two of my friends sing and dance in our local Follies, songs from the 1930s and 40s and a patriotic tribute appreciated all the more since it was on Sept. 11.  Publishers sent me a copy of The Gem magazine which arrived at my house, with my poem "She Walked Alone" in it, and a check. The July 20, 2014 issue.
The weather is great too, from 70 to 85, so I am counting my blessings. And when God sends rain I will count that as another huge blessing.


  1. Congratulations on the published poem (and the check)!
    Those roses are gorgeous.
    The skunk is cute, at least outside!

  2. Hi Terra .. love the photos - good mix of subjects! Congratulations too on the cheque and the published poem - while the lunch with your son .. is the icing on the cake - sounds a great meal .. cheers Hilary

  3. Hurray for you ~ a published poem and a check!!

    Your roses are beautiful and oh my, a skunk! What a combo.

    Enjoy the rest of your week ~ FlowerLady

  4. Hi Terra,
    I appreciate your comment on my blog/post! Thank you.
    Very pretty flowes and too cute that the skunk is almost a "pet"!

  5. Love all the beautiful, bright colours in your photos today. It sounds like you've been having a nice time. A good meal with loved ones is always nice. Thanks for visiting my blog and sorry you had so much trouble to leave a comment. I'm grateful for your persistence. Enjoy the weather!

  6. Congratulations on being published. : )
    Those roses are beautiful.
    What nice bright colors the peppers are.
    How nice to have a lunch out with your son.

  7. How wonderful that your poem was published......congratulations. The roses are beautiful. Hoping you get rain soon my friend. Blessings

  8. Such a happy post filled with blessings. Nice shot of the skunk too. He wasn't bothering anybody.

  9. That's so great about the poem! Congratulations! I love that skunk! So cute!

  10. I just want to smell the roses! So beautiful. I do not, however, want to smell the critter with the white stripe! I hope you didn't have to either! ~Pamela

  11. Congrats Terra on your poem and the check!

    Your lunch with your son sounds very nice and I love the roses.

  12. Terra, such pretty roses, perfect for a congratulatory bouquet for your published poem, (and cheque!).

    Happy Fall!


  13. I am so happy for you on the published poem, Terra! Congratulations! Your photos are lovely.

  14. Oh what gorgeous roses! But that little skunk...nope! Not pretty at

  15. Terra,
    Oh my goodness, that's a skunk? I've never seen one that close. The pink roses are so pretty. And my mom used to make chicken mole all the time. It was so delicious. Thanks for visiting Terra. I'm so tired with moving into our new place, and I wanted to take a little break and take some pictures and visit my friends.


  16. Congratulations on having your poem published! Also thanks for visiting my site and your sweet comments.

  17. Your photos are lovely, one can smell those roses. Thanks for stopping by and congrats on the poem.

  18. That skunk is scary...way too close for comfort! Hope he doesn't visit again. And congrats on having your poem published...what an accomplishment! Hugs, Diane

  19. Congratulations on the publication of your poem! That's very exciting.
    Any rain yet?

  20. Yay~great job. :-)
    Your photos are the skunk. :-)
    Have a great week!

  21. Hi Terra! Congratulations of your poem being published! That is so exciting. How nice of your son to take you to lunch too! I love Mexican food and would have loved that. Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  22. Congratulations for having your poem published....what an honor....I will check to see if I can find the magazine....I would love to boast to my friends how I know the poet. Roses to skunks...sounds like a week that I had once LOL..Lunch with your son and blessed temperatures does make your week pretty special. Happy for you.
