Monday, June 23, 2014

Moments in my garden

I like to step into my garden when I am alone and when it is quiet.
The birds are often singing abundantly so it is not really quiet; I mean quiet from man made noise.
The hummingbird chirps. It wants me to spray droplets of water in the air so it can drink and bath, while I hold the hose up high, trying not to move.
I feel God there in the garden, and everywhere.
The green things are pulsing with life.
Strawberries turn pink, then red and sweet.
Overlooked bok choi dies back but not before forming tiny yellow flowers with a promise of seeds.
Cilantro bolts and goes to seed.
Green tomatoes promise to turn red and succulent.
My heart and soul are nourished in this modest garden.

I took this photo of a garden created in honor of my dad, located at a favorite golf course.


  1. I feel the same way, Terra! Your garden is so peaceful. You tend it well.

  2. What a beautiful scene. We live on a golf course and sure enjoy the beautiful landscaping. Hugs, Diane

  3. Hi Terra,
    Yes, I fell it too! I love the early morning quite to man's noise. The sounds of nature always touch my heart.
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful garden.

  4. oh..... I so want to get a photo of a hummer.... I hoped for one at my sister's last visit...but, too cool and didn't see any....but, I'm having to go back as she just had emergency maybe this time....

    how nice somebody remembered your Dad with a garden ...

  5. What a beautiful place! It's a wonderful memorial for your Dad.

  6. That is beautiful.
    My cone flowers are ready to bloom any day now. : )

  7. You have a beautiful spot here!


  8. Sunshine, your tender words weave a wondrous tapestry of peace.

  9. Beautiful! Beautiful! Loved what you wrote! This year we are buying a house and I can't wait to have a garden to work on. I love gardens too and I feel closer to God in nature too. Thanks for your visit and I agree with you. It is a compliment. Xo

  10. Kindred spirits we are my dear. Beautiful post of joys in the garden!
    hugs from here...

  11. Beautifully worded Terra and beautiful picture. Thank you for sharing and thank you for stopping by for a visit. Your sweet comment was very much appreciated.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  12. Beautiful garden. Nothing like being up-close-and-personal with things that are growing. It's a great way to lift ones spirit.

  13. I love my garden too with the birds and all of the different scents. I just can't get enough of it this time of year. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  14. I love your garden--and that it honors your Daddy. I'm like you. My garden is also my place of peace.
