Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Meet Me By the Gate flower

Some flowery photos from our home.
This is an easy to grow, no care or low care flower, called Meet Me By the Gate or Jupiter's Beard.
It is growing next to the garage and our alley where it gets no watering and no food. It is found growing wild in difficult places in California, and comes in white, pale pink and this darker pink.
I learned of the name Meet Me By the Gate when we lived in the country and the lady on our neighboring farm told me that name, which I think is charming.
So, in honor of our neighbor Ann, this flower will always be Meet Me By the Gate to me.
When I went to a garden center many years ago to buy one, the worker said "oh those are weeds, we don't sell them." I felt like she had hurt the feelings of these pretty plants. Of course there weren't any around at the plant store to hear her mean words.
As you can see from the photos I did find a plant or two to buy elsewhere.
The official name is Centranthus ruber, also called Red Valerian. Do not confuse it with Valerian, a different plant. Butterflies love this plant, so it is extra good to add to your garden. A native of the Mediterranean it is naturalized in the USA, Great Britain and Australia.
Happy gardening to you this May.


  1. These are very pretty and named appropriately me thinks. I would like to see them at my gate.

  2. I always wondered what the name of that flower is. Thanks.

  3. How beautiful! The color reminds me of the Crape Myrtle that grows so well here in Florida. Enjoy your day. It's already HOT here! Hugs!

  4. So pretty....I'd love to have some of these plants.. does it bloom all summer? We are in the nursery business, but we don't grow flowering plants... I'll have to make a trip to the nearby nurseries and see if they have it...
    Have a fantastic day..

  5. Hello:

    We too love this plant but had not previously known it by the delightful name of 'Meet Me By the Gate'. What is particularly appealing is the way in which it will seed and flower in the most inhospitable of places and yet will always look at home.

  6. I agree that is a great name.

  7. I love the color of the blooms!

  8. What a wonderfully quaint name for a really pretty flowering plant. I love the color.


  9. Meet me by the gate - what a lovely name.
    Such pretty flowers!!

  10. Terra, I've bought this in several places that we lived--could never get the plant to 'take'--I wonder if I was too far north for it to winter [?]

  11. Gorgeous flowers. Love seeing them in bloom! Enjoy your week and thanks for sharing.

  12. It looks a little like the phlox that grows wild here but we don't have pink. I love the name! Wonder if it would grow in Ohio? I once bought a nursery plant with pretty purple flowers and then realized it actually grew wild. A weed by any other name and still beautiful.

  13. Oh how lovely and vibrant! Thank you for sharing your flowers with us :) Hugs and blessings!

  14. So sweet that you didn't want to hurt their feelings! They are pretty, and have a charming name.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your advice about sugar!

  15. Love the name....I'll meet you at the gate...Sounds like the name of a book or movie.

  16. I love its color and its name!

  17. Beautiful and what a charming name...brings up visions of a pretty homestead with a picket fence and a long front porch. :)

  18. So pretty. I am not
    familiar with this plant.
    Thanks for sharing.

    M :)

  19. Pretty - Does not look like a weed to me. :D
    Thanks for stopping by. Not my iris - wish it was. I took that picture a few years ago in the neighborhood.

  20. I will have to find some of these. they would do well in my summer garden. There will be very little water this year and anything that doesn't require water is welcome.
    Lovely photos too.
