Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Joy

Sing, soul of mine, this day of days.
The Lord is risen.
Toward the sunrising set thy face.
The Lord is risen.
Behold he giveth strength and grace;
For darkness, light; for mourning, praise;
For sin, his holiness; for conflict, peace.
Arise, O soul, this Easter day!
Forget the tomb of yesterday,
For thou from bondage art set free;
Thou sharest in His victory
And life eternal is for thee,
Because the Lord is risen.
                       Author unknown, from book "1,000 Quotable Poems".


  1. Have a blessed and joyous Easter, Terra!

  2. Amen! Christ the Lord is risen indeed! What a message of joy, hope, and life for those whose trust is in Him! Have a blessed Resurrection Day, Terra!

  3. What a wonderful piece!

    Hope you are having a lovely Easter day Terra.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  4. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing:)

  5. Amen. Christ is risen. Alleluia! Sending you blessings at Easter time.

  6. Amen.

    What a lovely poem for a lovely, sacred weekend. Praise God for his goodness.

    Have a wonderful rest of your Resurrection Sunday.

  7. Lovely poem- Happy Easter, Terra!

  8. I hope your having a great Easter, Terra! :)

  9. What an excellent poem or song. The words speak the truth.

  10. Hi Terra, I spent my Easter weekend trying my best to be electronic gadget free and I watched a 3-hr musical play about Jesus life. It was wonderful!

    I hope you had a nice Easter break.

    Have a great week ahead.

  11. He is risen, indeed! Happy Eater Monday!!!


  12. Hello:

    This poem exactly encapsulates the true meaning of Easter. Whatever the belief, or otherwise, of the individual, this is a time of such hope, promise and renewal.

    We trust, as this Eastertide draws to a close, that you have enjoyed real happiness and peace.

  13. Thank you for that lovely poem. He is risen. We are blessed that we know it. I'm doing the A to Z challenge on my blog again this year. For my R post today I chose Redeemer and Resurrection. Even though I know I have non Christian blog readers, I felt this Easter season was the perfect time to bear testimony of my love for my Redeemer and my faith in His resurrection for my R post.

    Have a nice week.

  14. Hope your Easter was filled with blessings.

  15. We serve a Risen Savior and because of Him we live again. : )
