Friday, April 11, 2014

A Peek in Our Garden

Taken on March 23, this photo shows a promise of nasturtium flowers, jasmine in bloom, and our cute gnome peeking out from his underground home.
To the left, out of sight, are two Canterbury Bells plants I have nurtured for two years, so this is their year to bloom. I wonder what color their flowers will be?
On the right, barely visible are two mystery bulb plants (planted in green wire gopher cages). My husband brought them home when a neighbor gave them away. I think they may be what we call Naked Ladies. Time will tell, there are just small green leaves emerging.

Do you like the watering can plant stake? I bought quite a few as I think they are cute. Above is a closer photo of our happy jasmine blooming near the gnome.
I planted our first tomato plant of the year this week, an elongated cherry tomato called "Juliet", which is new to us. Someone told me "you only need one Juliet", so they must be heavy bearers.
Are you planting vegetables now?


  1. The little teacups are so cute in your garden.

    For some reason, this year my nasturtiums are going crazy all over my front planter.

    I like that you have some things you don't know what they are. I tell people that my garden has been planted by birds. We have a palm tree that has just sprung up from nowhere. I wish I knew which birds to thank.

  2. A bit early yet for planting here. I'm planning an herb garden this year. My first one.

  3. Love your garden. I really need to get some zucchini plants this year.

  4. I love seeing your Nasturtiums. They are always one of my favorite flowers to plant.

  5. We have a pepper plant that lasted all winter and has peppers on it. That's odd...even for us living in Florida! Enjoy your weekend! hugs!

  6. Love your garden your nasturtium's look great. Mine are going crazy.
    Thanks for sharing your garden with us.

  7. Absolutely lovely! No planting here yet, but I have plans and I cannot wait! :-)

  8. I adore Jasmine. We have a big pot of it at the base of our veranda. The pot has a frame that it grows over and around. In spring when it blooms the scent is heavenly.

    I emailed you my snail mail details. Do let me know if they arrived AOK?



  9. That watering can stake is so cute! Your garden is looking great.

  10. Beautiful, Terra! I have to remember to get nasturtium seeds!


  11. Your post reminded me of seeds I NEED to plant NOW!

    Great to see glimpses of what you have growing in your gardens.

    Happy Easter week ~ FlowerLady

  12. Oh Terra, I love jasmine. Soooo fragrant.

    Still not time to plant stuff here. Too chilly still.

    I'm sure your garden is going to be lovely. Susan

  13. I must admit I haven't planted any seeds yet this year but am absolutely loving watching some old friends popping back out from under the soil! What lovely plants you have there Terra - good to see Mr Gnome is looking after them! Jane x

  14. Cute teacup stake.
    I hope you have naked lady bulbs. They are so easy and so rewarding.

  15. I love all your green! Still too soon to plant anything here in Southwest Saskatchewan. Our ground is still frozen!!
    xo Catherine

  16. How lovely, Terra. Unfortunately I don't have a garden but I really enjoy looking at others'. Thank you so much for sharing.

  17. Its a beautiful garden,and yes I do like those cute watering can stakes. I have planted some flowers, my son is having a large vegetable garden. Blessings on your week friend

  18. Your season of growing is beginning and ours is coming to an end. We actually just had a quick little drizzle of rain and it is cloudy today. But the plants are so dusty all the time. Hard to keep them clean. I'm surprised that my little tomato plants are still producing even though they are withered. Wishing you a great new week. Tammy

  19. This morning is -4C .... there is still s now in the shaded areas....and all the grass is brown and dead looking littered with cones from two huge sick trees in our neighbour's yard..... sigh..... I'll have to come here to see any green or flowers .....

  20. still buried in snow and it snowed yet again both saturday & sunday!
    so we're a lonnng way til planting here =)
    Luv seeing your garden grow & all the lovelies.. mystery plants - sooo exciting - EnJoy! [and glad you did so with S&S] !

  21. What a lovely garden! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a nice comment. Have a great week.

  22. I can't wait to see your garden this summer. So lovely in March.

  23. I love how unexpected surprises will pop up in our gardens almost as if God has them in mind when spring arrives to let us know how special we are and how much He truly loves us.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  24. So lovely. So do you fill it with water and it slowly releases?
