Monday, February 17, 2014

My camellias in February

Here are some photos of our camellias on our patio in February this year.
One of our sons cut back the ivy and the camellia is happy and is loaded with blooms.

The camellia bush is about seven feet tall and I planted it maybe 20 years ago. We have several other camellias not in full bloom yet. To me it looks like each petal is hand painted with a touch of pink. I imagine God coloring each petal, they are so unique and pretty.


  1. Awww so pretty!
    Blessings, Joanne

  2. Hi Terra, This is gorgeous. And HUGE! Thanks for sharing the beautiful pics.

  3. There is just one word for it: Beautiful!

  4. Growing things do love pruning, don't they????

    How beautiful... And I can only imagine the scent. Oh lucky you!

  5. Lovely flowers! I'd love a bush like that!

  6. Can smell it from here;)

  7. So pretty! Can I say I'm a bit jealous? It's snowing here again!

  8. How pretty. That a tall camellia bush. Do you have other colors?

  9. They are very beautiful.
    It’s a bit early for them over here.

  10. I agree, beautiful!!! I'd love to grow those, but if I'm not mistaken, they don't like our heat and humidity.

    Enjoy ~ FlowerLady

  11. Just beautiful! How nice to see some blossoms during this winter!

  12. Beautiful photos! I so miss the blooms!

  13. I had to go back and check your profile for your location because I don't know anyone else who has something this beautiful in their yard at this time of year! Thank you for sharing that beauty. You are blessed to see flowers like that so often during the year.

  14. Beautiful....I am happy to see that flowers are still blooming on this frozen planet :)

  15. Just beautiful, they are really lovely flowers.

  16. Gorgeous! Mine are blooming too and I am so happy (of course I did not plant mine, I just try not to kill the beauties the previous homeowner planted)

  17. Your camellias are beautiful!
    I have always wondered if they would grow in zone 9?

    Enjoyed visiting, and I am a new follower.

    White Spray Paint

  18. So glad you visited my blog recently. I lost my link with your blog when the Google Reader went away - I lost a lot of links. I have now captured your blog once again in my new reader. I'll be back.

  19. Laura, I looked online and camellias grow in zones 7-9. Ask at your local plant stores and they can find the right camellias for you. Happy gardening.

  20. WOW!! What a beautiful blossom of flowers. See the flowers looks like smiling:)

  21. Gorgeous!!!

    BTW, I updated my links on my recent review of Daddy-Long-Legs. So if you want to return the ones you paid for and get them for free, I have the links. :)

  22. These are so lovely. I am eagerly awaiting our flowers blooming outside.

  23. At my parents house in Georgia were several large camellia bushes they had planted. So nice to have gorgeous flowers in February. It was a difficult transition to living in Maine after I married!

  24. How beautiful! I love all the variations, many in the same bloom! We have them in bloom here in Florida right now, too! Enjoy your week my friend! Hugs!

  25. These are gorgeous. And so amazing that they're blooming in February.

  26. Love the subtle coloring on your Camellia.

    A recent freeze here was hard on Camellias but they've recovered from some browning and blooms opening now are lovely.

    I look forward to seeing more blossoms from your garden.

  27. p.s. on Tuesday, March 4 - Hello Dear Tessa...

    Thank you for your sweet visit. To answer your question, to my knowledge, there is no signature on the painting shown in my blog today.

    I looked for one when my friend bought it but found nothing. Sad but true.

    Unless someone sees it and identifies it, the old painting of the darling little one will remain anonymous. Susan

  28. Oh, my. Terra, your camellias are gorgeous!

  29. After you left a comment about my white camellias on my blog and mentioned that yours are blooming, too, I had to come over and see them. Yours are GORGEOUS! Being planted some 20 years ago they must have reached a very nice size. It is rare in America that someone is gardening that long in one place. Lucky you!

  30. Oh goodness this two colored camellia is glorious. My four camellias are small. this one is huge.
