Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Is Autumn Truly Here? The pumpkins say Yes.

My neighbor's punkins, growing in their front yard. These folks have green thumbs!
The silvery grey plants in front of the punkins are guava bushes. I have one guava so far, with plans for another, and they planted maybe twenty guava bushes. Yum.


  1. Autumn? It’s only just autumn. I prefer ‘late, late summer’, like 50 yr olds are only just middle aged.

    Look on the bright side.

  2. Autumn is definitely living in your neighborhood!! Love all the colorful pumpkins in the front.

  3. Your neighbors are leaning more towards farmers than gardeners! I'd love to be that good! And have the space! :)


  4. It's pumpkin time across the country. I was thinking today that I was grateful for the people who grew the pumpkins I photographed and those who shipped them to New York. Without their assistance I'd be pumpkinless and that would be a very sad state of affairs.

  5. Very definitely autumn here, with the nights drawing in, plenty of leaves on the ground underneath my cherry tree and a distinct chill in the air in the mornings.

  6. Oh my goodness. I can't imagine how cool it would be to look out the window and see pumpkins growing! It would get the grumpiest grump into the seasonal spirit. I love this.

  7. The only thing about autumn that is here in s.e. FL, are 'hints' of it. It is still very hot and humid, although not as bad as it was last month and the sun is at a lower angle.

    Love seeing all of those pumpkins, they are definitely a sign of autumn.


  8. Awesome. I want to grow a pumpkin some year.

  9. It's that orange time of the year and the only month I allow that color in my garden.

  10. Guava? That is pretty cool. And I confess, I thought they grew on trees, not bushes. I learn new things everyday:)

  11. Oh I love this time of year. Can't wait to get home and buy some pumpkins. Pumpkin Patch, here I come....Pumpkin on my list.

    Those are beautiful pumpkins. Love to see them growing with all the green leaves.

  12. Wow, wish I have neighbors like that. It seems so fun to have the palm trees in the background. Don't have them around here and they always make me smile!

  13. Wow -- pumpkin heaven! Love it. :)

  14. I am enjoying the pumpkins too....this is such a colorful time of year. :)

  15. they certainly do have a green thumb! I love those pumpkins. Happy Autumn to you, Terra.

  16. Wow pumpkins all over the place there. Fall must certainly be here now. : )

  17. Wow! They are beautiful! We always loved growing pumpkins and peanuts when we had a big garden. Happy Fall my friend!

  18. How fun to have your own pumpkins growing and decorating your home! :)

  19. Beautiful pumpkins indeed...blessings on your weekend friend

  20. My goodness, what pretty gardens and, yes, those pumpkins are quite amazing! Lovely to see the blue sky in those photos. Hope you have a lovely weekend over there.

  21. The way those pumpkins look, they must have green thumbs. Hard to believe Tuesday is Oct. 1st. all ready.

  22. Wow they look magnificent...bestest
    Daisy j

  23. I love those pumpkins. Their so big and your neighbors do have green thumbs LOL.

  24. Autumn is indeed here. The frost tells me so. LOL! :(
    xo Catherine

  25. Hi Terra,
    wow, those are some cool pumpkins...
    they surely do have a green thumbs...
    What a cool idea to plant them in their front yard, that way you don't have to move them, just let them pop up where ever and enjoy

    Hope you are doing well hon, haven't heard from you or been over in awhile, so thought I should check in and see how you are........
    Blessings, Nellie

  26. I need some pumpkins sitting by my back door! Enjoy your Autumn! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  27. Beautiful pumpkins! This is a perfect fall scene.

  28. The pumpkins all look great ... especially sitting up on the fence pillars. To me it seems out of place to have pumpkins & palm trees in the same place! Wendy

  29. I wish I had a green thumb...your neighbor's pumpkins are awesome. Autumn has certainly arrived in their garden :-) Thanks for stopping by for a visit Terra.


  30. I like how your neighbors proudly display their pumpkins on the fence!

  31. Autumn has certainly arrived here in the mountains. We are supposed to get snow later this week :) Love the pumpkins! Have a beautiful day.


  32. Hi Terra,

    How nice that you can enjoy your neighbor's front yard and beautiful pumpkins - they certainly do have green thumbs.
    Happy Autum,
    Blessings, Erin

  33. I have always wanted to try growing pumpkins but haven't. So glad you shared yours here. Who knows perhaps I might try them soon.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  34. thank you for popping over for a visit via Shelly's blog. She was sweet to blog about me. I appreciate your visit and sweet comment. Nice to meet you!!!!

  35. What lovely pumpkins! I love the bright color of them. Yep--Fall is indeed here. (grin)

  36. I love that their pumpkins are in their front yard. I grew pumpkins when my kids were little and it was so much fun. :o)
