Saturday, December 22, 2012

Our Christmas Tree and Nutcracker Collection

Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah to All My Blog Friends, Both Near and Far.
Here is our Christmas tree for 2012, all decorated and purty, and most of our wooden nutcracker collection.


  1. Your tree looks lovely and what a wonderful nutcracker collection.

    Have a lovely Christmas ~ FlowerLady

  2. I love your nutcrackers. Such an interesting Christmas tradition. We have just one, a soldier whose flossy white beard now juts out in funny directions, but the grandkids are fascinated.

  3. My Aunt collected nutcrackers. I always smile when I see them. I loved her very much.
    Merry Christmas,

  4. What a pretty Christmas scene you have. I, too, collect Nutcrackers....however I seem to be putting out fewer and fewer of them each year. I love being able to admire yours.



  5. Lovely collection of nutcrackers, Terra. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  6. Very pretty and festive looking.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  7. Merry Christmas to you and Happy New Year! sandie

  8. What a beautiful tree Terra, I love your nutcrackers! What a pretty display!

  9. What a special look, the tree is beautiful, and the nutcrackers just perfect against that lovely wood wall.

    Merry Christmas from our house to yours.

  10. Wishing you a happy holiday season as well!
    xo Catherine

  11. Terra - Beautiful collection.

    Merry Christmas.


  12. A beautiful tree...and your nutcracker collection is awesome.
    One Christmas, about 4 yrs ago, I joined in on a blogging Christmas swap. After browsing the blog of the lady I would swap with, I discovered she loved and collected nutcrackers. I knew then just what to buy for her. She did the same on my blog and discovered I was collecting Mark Roberts Fairies...she sent me one. Sooo, both of us was thrilled to pieces.
    Have a wonderful Christmas, dear one.
    xo bj

  13. What a fantastic collection to embellish your mantlepiece! Merry Christmas, Terra.

  14. Beautiful decorations, Terra! Merry Christmas to you and your family. xxoo LVL and The Herbal Husband

  15. Your tree is very pretty all decked out with tinsel and everything. This reflects someone's great patience. Nutcrackers are so fascinating. You have quite a variety there...Is the Cowardly Lion also a nutcracker? Pinocchio, too?

  16. Vee, yes, Pinocchio and the Cowardly Lion are nutcrackers too. I chose the Lion because he reminds me of Aslan from The Chronicles of Narnia.
    Pinocchio was handpainted by a homebound senior citizen who I visited as a volunteer visitor. We became good friends and she gave it to me, so I treasure it.

  17. Oh I love your nutcrackers! I just picked one up earlier this year at a thrift store that is silverplated. I had never seen one before. They make such a beautiful display. Hope your Christmas was lovely!

  18. How wonderful! I love the nutcrackers!

  19. Hi Terra! I know this is a late comment for your Xmas post But I love your Xmas collections here :)
