Saturday, October 13, 2012


sun in his fur
Originally uploaded by ilexxx

"My friend is not perfect - nor am I - and so we suit each other admirably." -- Alexander Pope

Friends are treasures, aren't they, both the fuzzy kind with 4 feet and our human pals too.

"Friendship cheers like a sunbeam; charms like a good story; inspires like a brave leader; binds like a golden chain; guides like a heavenly vision." -- Newell D. Hillis


  1. Aww - cute picture! Our furry critters are good friends!

  2. Love that photo. Some great sayings here. Have a good day Diane

  3. What a great the quotes! Thanks for stopping by my blog :) I am glad to hear you enjoyed your visit out to England, hopefully you will be able to visit again one time, there is sure a lot to explore.
    I look forward to following your blog :)
    Magie x

  4. Absolutely! So, so grateful for all of my friends across the world. What a gift.

  5. Hi there. I love quotations, and the ones you have picked for us today about friends are just lovely. Thank you for sharing.,

  6. Yes, our animals that we love turn out to be our best friends. My son keeps telling me to get a dog again.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  7. My darling cat "Sweetie" kind of looked like the cat in your picture.
    He was such a great pal anmd such a huge comfort, too...!
    Crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on January 2nd, 2012. I miss him with all my heart.

  8. Oh yes, friends of all kind are blessings.
    Cute photo!!

  9. Absolutely! Friends are your chosen "relatives" and very, very special.
    Animal friends are guides to being a better person.

  10. I think I may have just as many furry ones as human ones. They are the best kind of buddy.

  11. Love that photo! What an adorable little sweet heart!

  12. Dear Terra - cat lover that you are - kindred spirit, to be sure! So nice to visit again after all my busy. I can't promise that I'll be too regular - but it is nice to check in with everyone! Enjoyed your book reviews and posts of late - really identify with the Senior Moments thingy. Who won the book? Not I - and with all my "moments" I could write one of late!

    Hope all is well - joy to you!

  13. Sweeeeeeeeeeeet kitty pic!!! I love cats.

    PS....just popping in to tell you I received the book yesterday, and again want to thank you for it. I stopped my housework project long enough to read 30 so far. Fun!!!

  14. Friends are essential. I don't know what I would do without them. Love your furry friend too.


  15. Wonderful quotes and what a blessing to have you as my blog friend! Hugs!

  16. Hi Terra, such a beautiful cat!!
    There is nothing like the devotion of a pet. I have three little dogs at home who are my children...

  17. Such a pretty cat.
    All animals are treasure aren't they..they bring such joy to our lives.. Love sent to you today.

  18. There is something about the fuzzy kind that warms my heart and unconditionally excepts me...Makes me feel like a rock star!


  19. Hi Terra...Beautiful white cat! Is he yours? Thanks for your visit and comment to my blog. Susan

  20. Amen, friends are true heart treasures.

  21. for sure, we can't go wrong with our 4-footed friends.
