Thursday, August 9, 2012

Parting The Red Sea of Tulips

Parting The Red Sea of Tulips | photo page - everystockphoto

I read on FaceBook yesterday about a site that provides free photos for blogs, so I went there and sure enough, they have lots of free photos for us. OK, more than lots, they have 16,000,000 photos.
So I grabbed this one of brilliant red tulips to share with you.
If you use the site's photos be sure to follow their rules of photo use.
I do use my own photos on my blog but sometimes its fun to browse and find something different.
Some of you take spectacular photos and won't need this source, but I will use it from time to time.
Happy viewing, all.


  1. Thank you so much for the site! sandie

  2. What a great source! Yes, indeed, sometimes one needs a great photo.

  3. I love the photo, but your caption is so perfect...Moses would agree.

    Thanks for the tip for the photos. I use a lot too.

  4. Thanks for the site. Sometimes it's easier to pull a picture from a site instead of looking through my growing folders of pictures.

  5. It's always fun to learn about new sites! Thanks for sharing!
    xo Catherine

  6. Thanks. What a great recommendation. I will definitely be stopping by there.

  7. Spectacular! I wish I could travel to a place where they grow this many tulips!
    I'm sorry I'm so late in responding to the comment you left on my blog earlier this week. I've had family (two nieces) in town and that didn't leave me with as much time for the blog. The paperdoll cards from the 40's that I collect are not all that rare. It seems that a lot of people back them kept them safe in albums, which preserved whole sets for collectors now. Individual cards still seem to be quite reasonably priced at the online vintage sale sites, like e-bay, etsy, etc...

  8. Thanks for telling us about this great resource. Love the photo you chose to display, as tulips are one of my favorite flowers...most likely because they were the only flower I could draw with clarity as a child! :)
    Have a fabulous weekend.

  9. Thank you Terra, for your thoughtful scripture. It was very comforting. I have been having a rough time lately.

  10. That's beautiful! I'm definitely going to check that site out. Thanks so much for your suggestion for a name for my painting! I love it!

  11. Wonder where they get the photos from? I do prefer to use my own even if they aren't spectacular. I like to keep it real. :) Have a lovely weekend. Tammy

  12. Beautiful picture, Terra! And thanks for the link to a free photo site. Have a blessed weekend!

  13. Very good idea, I didn't know that their photos are for general use.

  14. THANKS! I just recently read about a blogger who was sued for using a photograph she was not authorized to use. It cost her $ & time. I greatly appreciate this info from you. Have a nice weekend. I'll be back to blogging in about 2 weeks.

  15. Oh you just helped me so much! I take all of my own pictures, but since I'm going to be having surgery soon, I'll be stuck on the couch for weeks. Just lastnight I was wondering if there was a way for me to use copyright free pics to do a few posts while I'm laid up.
    Thank you so much! :)
    I hope you're having a great weekend!

  16. hi Terra,
    thanks for leaving a comment about the Olympic dressage, I'm sorry you didn't get to see more of it on TV.

    I only came over to say thanks- and so pleased I did cos of the site you've shown for photos.

    Quite often you just need a "quick pic" to illustrate a point, and invariably you've not taken your own (or in my case taken it but its rubbish!) so this site will be realy useful.

    Hope you're having a lovely weekend, 8 am here and I've just let the chickens out and had my "me time" morning cuppa before the day starts properly

  17. Wow...this is a lovely photo...i wonder where they get their photos from? Nice to know...thanks. Happy new week.

  18. Terra,
    Your red tulips made my day beautiful on my anniversary. Thank you for the warm wishes, dear.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  19. Never hurts to have a few in the back pocket! This photo brings back an early childhood memory: sailing up a canal in Holland, seeing tulip fields spreading to the horizon on both sides - Amazing!
