Thursday, March 15, 2012

Tulips for March

It is fun to treat ourselves to fresh flowers upon occasion, don't you agree? These are mainly orange and I bought them at Whole Foods, grown locally and I also bought a bouquet of yellow tulips to give to the home bound senior lady I visit. So we are enjoying beauty in our homes at the same time.
The first photo is taken the second day when the flowers are more open, and the second two were taken on the first day I brought them home and the fourth photo shows the flowers several days later.


  1. What lovely tulips, Terra. I just came back in the house after walking across the street to photograph our neighbor's tulips! He planted about 100 multi colored tulips around a tree. Hope you'll enjoy the day.

  2. I love tulips! If only they lasted a little longer, but they sure do look cheerful.

  3. I love tulips, especially the orange!

  4. I love fresh flowers, spring flowers share their energy, beautiful.

  5. How I love tulips! They seem to sing spring.
    Have a blessed day.


  6. They're lovely! What a welcome sign of spring.

  7. What a beautiful color! Yes, that would definitely cheer up any room!

  8. Oh I love tulips. On my walk this morning I spotted some just breaking the surface. They should be blooming here soon.

  9. I love tulips, they are so elegant even when they languidly lean over the side of the vase.
    Grown locally? outdoors already?

    Mine are sending up shoots but it'll be a long time before they flower.

  10. So very lovely. I just put my plant outside because the flowers were done but I want to plant the bulbs for next year. I miss all the beauty of Ca. in the winter and early spring. Enjoy your day.

  11. Tulips are my favorite flowers!

    HAve a wonderful weekend, Terra xxx

  12. Lovely orange tulips! What a sweetie you are to take flowers to a friend!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  13. I love tulips and paperwhites and daffodils this time of the year. Our trees are beginning to bloom, so, a few branches come in to sit by me on a regular basis.

    Enjoy them while they last.

  14. ahhhh..... pretty tulips. Just what the doctor ordered. Thank, Terra for stopping in to my blog.....I'd pretty much fallen off the wagon.

    Yep...hope I'm on the road to recovery...

    tonight I am trying to make some sticky rice like Joe's Mom made for us one day in Portugal..... good luck to me! Hers was so yummy...if this is even 1/5 as good I will be ecstatic.

  15. They are sooooo beautiful. I used to live near Albany, NY. They had a tulip festival in the spring and parks and parks planted with them.

  16. flowers make the whole room happier!

  17. I love buying fresh flowers for myself once in awhile. It makes me happy! Even when tulips are droopy they still look pretty. :)
    xo Catherine

  18. I love tulips, especially yellow, they just look so cheerful :)

  19. Tulips are among my favorite flowers. I fell in love with orange ones the year my theme color was orange.

  20. I do the same thing! As soon as tulips are available in the store, I grab a bunch. This year our yard looks to have them even sooner! Daffs are already opening. Yay!

  21. Very pretty tulips. That last photo looks more like a still life painting than an actual photograph. Hope your weekend is wonderful. Tammy

  22. Your tulips have more personality then mine lol

  23. I agree. A few weeks ago I bought a bouquet of Oriental lilies and they've been fragrancing my house and desk at work. I think I'm flower-starved right about now. Hurry up spring!

  24. I love tulips plopped in empty milk bottles all over the house!

  25. Pretty tulips! Love the color!...Christine

  26. They are my favourite flowers but in our climate we cant grow them

  27. Beautiful!!! I used to grow flowers years ago, when my kids were little. I don't know why I ever stopped. But seeing all your pretty pictures has sure made me happy!

  28. Thanks for following my site! L

  29. Oh I do love tulips. Yours are gorgeous, and the photoraphy is wonderful. You made me want to run out and buy some. How nice that you shared a bouquet with your friend. laurie

  30. These tulips are so vibrant and pretty with color. You know, for the New Year I decided to treat myself to more flowers. I bought some carnations in the beginning of the year. This is a reminder that it is time for another bouquet. Thank you.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  31. Lovely tulips--spring is on its way!!! Mickie :_)

  32. I was going to take a walk today to buy a cup of coffee at Starbucks. I think I'll walk to the grocery store instead and pick up a couple of bunches of tulips!

  33. Gorgeous! they make my heart sing!

  34. Gorgeous tulips! Tulips mean Spring for me. Love them!

  35. Hi Terra,

    Thanks for stopping my blog and entering my Spring Giveaway! I am a new follower of your blog! Your tulips are gorgeous! Have a wonderful week! Anyone can stop by and enter my giveaway, just be a follower and add a comment.

  36. Hi Terra,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower and entering my Spring Giveaway! I love your gorgeous tuliups!I am a new follower on your blog too!
    Have a great week!
